Hi Everyone,
I expect a lot of you have been wondering about Wen, although it was mentioned in another post about a week ago.
A few weeks ago she developed a severe chest infection and pseudomonas in her lungs, which resulted in the infection spreading to, and affecting other organs. She was in hospital, and thankfully responded rapidly to IV antibiotics. However, as Wen is still recovering from a serious stroke, this setback has knocked her for six, although this week she was starting to make some progress, and was set on posting herself. She has been really through the mill, and unable to even get online much so she has been resting and sleeping much of the time with nurses and carers coming in and out as well as her family.
A couple of days ago I got a long email from her and she was sounding so much better, but today has been a bad day for her. Wen is hoping that it is due to her overdoing it, but I have asked her to get checked out because of her recent health history, she cannot afford to let things slide for a day or two to see how she does. A few weeks ago, it was a close thing when she was hospitalised with the infections, and it is somewhat miraculous she responded so quickly and so well to treatment.
I know you will all join me in wishing Wen the speediest of recoveries, and that today is just a little setback due to her overdoing things a bit.
She has also asked me to thank you all for your other messages of support and good wishes.
Get well soon Wen, we are all missing you and your posts.
love and special hugs,
Huggs xxxx