Hi everyone,
Firstly, I have to apologise for not getting this done a few days ago, but have had a few problems myself health wise, and was not really up to posting a " short " post. lol
Secondly, Wen was home for the weekend, and managed to squeeze an extra day from the hospital so had 3 sleeps in her own bed. She is sounding totally back to normal now, and I know I have been saying she has been sounding more like her old self, and she was, now she is back to her old self again, albeit that bit more slowly in doing things. Her spirit is back, and she was telling me off, nicely of course, so that is always a good sign.
Unfortunately though, and Wen wanted this part kept quiet until she knew the full story, she has heart problems also, and has been started on meds for that, and hopefully they will do the trick, and she will not require stents. However, she does seem to have wrapped her head around that and its just waiting and seeing how the tablets work.
Thirdly, and now for the really good bit, Wen has just announced that they are looking to discharge her later in the week, so that is fantastic news.
She managed at home not badly at all, and made a pot of chicken soup! I know this is just a minor detail to tell you, but gives you an idea of how far she has come.
I am sure she will be in touch soon, and again my apologies for the delay on this update. I will be getting sacked, lol.
Take care,
hugs from Huggs xxxx