Good day everyone,
Looking for ideas for a stuffy nose. I'm
fine till I get in the car with the heater on.Does the heater bother anyone else? Whats good to use?
Good day everyone,
Looking for ideas for a stuffy nose. I'm
fine till I get in the car with the heater on.Does the heater bother anyone else? Whats good to use?
Sudafed is good for a stuffy nose Ruby but you'd have to check that its compatible with any other meds you're taking. Always best to check with your Doctor about it. xxx
Thanks Lyn,
The problem with that is it raises my blood pressure. I know it does work well.Any other ideas? Hows the weather there?
Ahh...that's a shame and the reason you always have to check with a Doctor first. What about Vicks vapourub. A jar of that is always handy.
It's not as cold as it has been the last few days, but very damp and gloomy at the moment. Whats it doing where you are? x
Just reading this while sniffing with very stuffed up nose! Was wondering if there is something in the house causing it
Husband the same! Cant use the air con. in the car anymore - we have resorted to putting the heater on feet and tilting the sun roof! Otrivine do a very good nasal spray that seems to help. Might be a good idea to ask the pharmacist. Good Luck xx
Just a reminder, don't use Vicks if you are on oxygen.
polly xx
Yeah I find that too. I have have a bit of air in the car even with the heater on otherwise I feel like I am suffocating. x
Its like my nose is totally blocked off. It doesnt seem like a lung thing.
What about a wet flannel over the car heater vent? I find the dry air causes me problems so by putting a damp flannel over the vent you create humidity. I haven't worked out how its going to stick there but it might help.
If the air is dry in the room I put a fan behind the damp laundry to increase the humidity in the room it works for me.
Never use any petroleum based product on your face if you use oxygen. Use KY gel it is water based.
10 mins in a burns unit will convince you if I can't. They always want visitors so you won't be intruding.
Good to know others find the a/c in the car a pain! I sneakily turn the temp down and alter the vents when DH isn't looking, then he puts it back!
Haven't tried these but thought I would pass them on.
hi, my doc gave me fluticasone nasal spray and loratadine tablets that dissolve in my mouth, the tablets are get clears up my nose. my doc has copd also he recommends what he takes to me. this may not work for everyone but, it does work for me.