Horrible Trolls...: Himself had a nasty... - Lung Conditions C...

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Horrible Trolls...

55 Replies

Himself had a nasty person come to his FaceAche page...he'd put a daft sort of a joke on and tucked in among the comments from his friends was an extremely distasteful one from some bloke with nothing better to do...

Who are these sad people whose command of the English language is so poor they can't string a sentence together without a liberal sprinkling of rude words and who take a perverse delight in leaving offensive comments on complete strangers pages...

I imagine them huddled over their keyboard...long greasy hair flopping in their eyes...surrounded by empty Pizza boxes and over-flowing ash-trays. I bet they're over- weight and don't change their underpants and have long yellow toe-nails...

They'll emerge from their stinky rooms to go to the chipper in the evening and they'll wink suggestively at the girl serving out the chips and rattle loose change in their track suit pockets and lean over the counter and make lewd remarks about the sausages in batter...stony faced, the girl will slap his packet of chips on the counter, but he'll think he's in with a chance.

These people must surely live on their own in grubby bed-sits over the top of the launderette or the Chinese take-away...surely to goodness they aren't married with small adorable children and a wife who goes to the hairdressers on Thursdays and does the evening shift in Tesco's for three nights a week.

They can't be neat and clean people who work behind the counter in the local Bank and play squash on Sundays...or perhaps they are.

Maybe they've just read a bedtime story to their children and tucked them up for the night...perhaps they've made sure the night-light is on and the back door is locked...they've made their wife a cup of tea and then they retreat to their laptop and seek out pages of total strangers on social net-working sites and take delight in leaving the most obscene comment they can dream up...

What exactly is the point...they cannot see that strangers reaction when he or she comes across it...they aren't there when that unsuspecting persons friends also read the words...

That man didn't see the look of bewilderment on Himself's face when he asked me to take a look...'Why would anyone want to say that?' he asked me...I deleted it for him and showed him how to block this creep...

He is a kindly man is Himself...he sees the good in people...he isn't a threat to anyone. What pleasure can there be in invading a persons space with foul words...Himself is as prone to letting rip like a fishwife...he's no angel if he drops something or when he's putting a clean duvet cover on...but there is a huge difference in context and I've never heard him utter the words that person wrote down for all to see and read...not ever.

It's something which makes me seek retribution...and that in itself is quite wrong...but I'd like to see those sad pathetic creatures doing some strenuous physical work so that they were so tired at the end of the day they had no energy left to prowl about the internet, dropping their spoor where and how they felt like it.

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55 Replies
redted profile image

Great words,I think we would be shocked at the type of people that write this sludge,their life must be a list cause,or they have problems in you know where, defo not normal peeps,best deleted and ignored.

redted profile image
redted in reply toredted

Sorry should read lost cause .

in reply toredted

Guessed you meant it to be 'lost'...I'd like to meet such a person to see what they are like...

phillips1 profile image

Hi Vashti. That is the reason you will never see me on Faceache or Twitter. There are far too many Neanderthals out there whose sole reason for living is to be nasty to others. We have even had some on here at times.

Bobby xxx

in reply tophillips1

You are not wrong there Bobby! x

in reply to

How awful that must have been...

in reply tophillips1

That's horrible for such people to be on here...

in reply to

It was vashti but this forum is in the public domain and anyone can come in and anyone can join. This is why there are rules and the moderators keep a close eye on the site content so they can chuck the Pillocks out.

Everyone can help keep them out by being aware of the rules and if they are being transgressed then report them. You can do this by clicking the recommend button then click report. The best thing is not to even reply to them - just report. x

Jolyn profile image

Brilliantly written vashti...some people have nothing better to do with their time and don't realise the upset they cause. (or do they)

in reply toJolyn

I think they do...what would be the point otherwise...

Hi Vashti Tell himself to let rip in his head. Apparently, I have let out a red devil with horns and forked tail in the last few days since soulsaver - one person said she had her steel helmet on! It has surprised people. Did join facebook (about 200 young people connected to relatives abroad wanted to be my friend. Left in a hurry. Do not understand twitter altho our politicians seem to like it. Not really a forum person. Just tell himself he is a decent person - I think lack of consideration is a curse to our everyday life eg road rage. I think vashti you ought to write a novel you brought some people to life!KatieJJ

Azure_Sky profile image
Azure_Sky in reply to

How lovely to see you KatieJJ. I am so happy you decided to stay. I think it is best to ignore the trolls who try to upset us. They hate that. As the saying goes, don't feed the trolls. They soon lose interest and go elsewhere.

With Facebook, I keep a very small list of friends. Most of them relatives, the others, friends I know in person, and a couple who I knew on shared interest sites. My upper limit is 40 and I check the list regularly. If one isn't using Facebook I delete them.

in reply toAzure_Sky

I'm careful with my account on there as well...but Himself is quite naïve...see's the good in everyone and it came as a shock to him

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to

Soulsaver is not a troll but just someone who disagreed with you. These people are a different kettle of fish. Don't confuse them.

in reply tonotlocal

She wasn't terribly polite though...lol

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to

No, Soulsaver (I think it's 'he') wasn't very polite, and in my view was responding to the wrong person here (Katie) who didn't need that at the time. Doesn't make him a troll as trolls do this sort of stuff deliberately to upset others. I think he had a point to make and I didn't like that he was subjected to the pack treatment and accused of all sorts of stuff.

Speaking of trolls, what would you say if I told you that there is a long time poster here who has over a thousand different ID's with pictures, everything and that many, many posts here are just him posting BS under different aliases? I say him because I know his name and know where he lives even. What I don't know is which post is real anymore. Which is why I don't use this site as much as I could :(

in reply tonotlocal

I don't know how to answer...lost for words actually. Can't you use the site and avoid the iffy posts?

notlocal profile image
notlocal in reply to

The megatroll is very, very good and his posts are difficult to spot. Sometimes I just don't believe a poster's spelling and suspect him. It's a mug's game tbh, sucks you into his world. It all goes back to a disagreement years ago on this site apparently and this was his revenge.

in reply tonotlocal

There has been one poster who I had difficulty in believing was genuine, and has since disappeared; but I find it unsettling to think of someone with multiple identities.

in reply to

I did rather wonder how she chose the name soulsaver...presume it was a she...wouldn't be very keen on her saving my soul...lol

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to


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Mavary profile image

Well said. Let's hope they read it and know what we think of them. I couldn't have written it so well. X

in reply toMavary

I doubt they ever will...no harm in hoping though!

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply toMavary

Hello sweetpea :-D xxx

You make me laugh vashti with your descriptions of trolls and I bet that is exactly the case.

I think they are very sad people with poison in their soul who are bored and like to stir it up just for a laugh. The internet is just another medium for them to get nasty with others. I hope you reported it as well as blocking it and that Himself wasn't too upset. xx

in reply to

Thank you Coughalot...he was astonished by the words used I think...it's blocked and reported anyway.

Azure_Sky profile image

Well said Vashti. I wonder if people in prisons and psychiatric institutions have access to computers? There are also public libraries where people can go as well as internet cafes.

Sadly there are many savage feral young people around. They have no moral compass, get pleasure from violent video games, drinking, fighting and drug taking.

Regarding Facebook, the only people I allow on it, are relatives and friends I have met in person. There are two exceptions, one from Canada, the other from California. I got to know them through shared interests.

I have my account set so only friends can see it. Nobody can tag my photos. I block anyone who pesters me. If game request are sent I go to app and block it. I get very few now.

in reply toAzure_Sky

I think a lot of trolls are not the youngsters but older people. x

in reply to

I agree...don't think younger people have the time or the inclination...

in reply toAzure_Sky

Those game requests are a blooming nuisance...I've shown Himself how to do his settings and he's happier now...

Azure_Sky profile image

You have a point there, it could certainly be disaffected older people. Nasty sex offenders for a start.

in reply toAzure_Sky

Oh yuck...I do so hope not...!

Sadly so very true Vashti, but really we should feel sorry for these people, they must lead a very empty life. Xx

in reply to

There was a time when I would have felt sorry for such people...but I don't now...when it hits close to home then my liberal views go straight out the window!

Towse1950 profile image

Well said I totally agree with you... It's a baffle to me also. My grandmother used to say "If you cannot say anything nice do not say anything at all". I work on that one!

She was a sensible woman and I have since learnt I cannot be responsible for other people what they say or do I am only responsible for me, and my dog of course. Learning to understand this as a Mother and a Grandmother.

We move on these people have to want, if within their Ken, want to change themselves.

We live our lives as the way we see fit.

Happy New Year lets make 2015 a good one as best we can........x Audrey Jersey.

Believe you me if it was just words I had to cope with and not what is going on I would also love to press delete!!

in reply toTowse1950

Here's to an excellent 2015 Audrey and the trolls can go and boil their heads!

bulpit profile image

Morning Vashti, How cruel some people are, why O why they get some perverted pleasure from writing obscene and hurtful things we will never understand, Wishing you both well, Reagards Bulpit

in reply tobulpit

Thank you bulpit...if that's the worst that can happen in 2015 we ought to be dancing!

katieoxo60 profile image

Thanks for that one Vashti, well said. I am on Facebook to keep in touch with my family quickly in an emergency. It can be a very diverse site not a friendly private site like this one. Facebook is a public site not a forum, so comments can arrive one does not like but Facebook does have a blocking facility to swipe out unwanted content as do most web pages. I agree some people just like spending all day winding up unsuspecting users. Ignore is another good policy that takes out the fun they gain or as we would say let it go over your head. There are also ways of reporting Trolls but they just move to other areas of the computer or website. Enjoy the rest of your day.....................

in reply tokatieoxo60

I use FaceAche to keep in contact with the groups I've joined...and to see what my children and grandchildren are up to...lol

But I've shown Himself how to block and to restrict access to his page so he ought to be alright now.

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to

Had a problem accessing your response Vashti but as you see I can answer if I go to the main page :)

sassy59 profile image

I think that quite a few trolls are normal everyday people with families and a good life but are somehow very sad, angry, bitter, twisted whatever and hide behind the internet because they can. Nobody really has to take responsibility because we do not know anything about anyone. I think it is terrible and I would never do that but there are many around that would and do.

Shame really vashti and your hubby has now come up against such nastiness. He just needs to try and dismiss it as of no consequence.

Wishing you and himself well. Take care xxxxx

in reply tosassy59

I'd like to meet them face to face and see if they're so willing to spout venom without the shield of the internet!

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

I doubt it vashti. Take care xxxx

Offcut profile image

Trolls are best ignored and deleted. I to have a FB page and the Wife but we only allow those we accepted as friends to leave comments.

Another brilliant post well put.

Be Well

in reply toOffcut

Thank you Offcut...

butter-fly profile image
butter-fly in reply toOffcut

Same here! Why would you want strangers accessing you messages to family and friends if you could block it. Took my daughter to wise me up! They are just sad people with twisted minds.

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply tobutter-fly

I play on-line and there is some serious bucket mouths on there.

penney1825 profile image

well said xxxxxx

Dragonmum profile image

I washed my hands of an Animal Welfare bunch because the site was being used, quite blatantly, to promote racism. I may be wrong but I believe that some quite well-meaning people are being manipulated, at a very high level, by people with a very nasty political agenda. It gave me great pleasure to call out the poster involved but I got support from only one other person so that was the end of my involvement. Trolls are nasty creatures best ignored.

For all FB's faults I do enjoy it and am still in touch with people I met on line in forums twenty years ago! I love that I can see what artist and crafty friends are working on.

Azure_Sky profile image

I find by severely limiting who can see my posts is the only way. I also check their pages to see if there are any nasty posts.

My daughter is a worker in Mental Health, her patients don't have access to computers because they are severe cases.

I asked her if psychiatric patients could get access to computers, also prisoners. She said yes, although they are supposed to be supervised.

She said there are an awful lot of insane people out in the community. Many have not been diagnosed. they can either have their own computer or phone. Others go to the library.

There was a known paedophile who would go round our park taking photos of dogs and following pretty young ladies. He was putting them on facebook. He was severely told off and has not been seen since. His page was taken down too.

There were photos of dogs including mine and two of a girl trying to stop him taking photos of her. We had seen him following her round the park. He went to the library to download his photos.

boogerhead profile image

Unfortunately there are ignorant people in all walks of life. I've gotten to a point in my life where I try to have sympathy for ignorant people like that because (I feel) their life is so empty that they have to waste their time doing things like that. Thinking that way not not only helps me not you be offended to much by idiots, but it also helps me to be a more understanding and compassionate human being (even though I called that person an idiot. lol) (Don't get me wrong, I still get angry at people's actions, but it helps a lot to see those people as ignorant should in need of help. Like they say, love heals all, and that's what they are lacking, and what some of us are so incredibly fortunate to have in our lives. Personally, I have a daughter with multiple disabilities. She is so sweet and loving towards everyone and puts a huge smile on everyone she meets that you have no choice but to forget about everything else. I'm blessed to have her!! The Troll, poor soul, doesn't have anything that even comes close. :(

(BTW, your writing style is a pleasure to read!)

boogerhead profile image

Unfortunately there are ignorant people in all walks of life. I've gotten to a point in my life where I try to have sympathy for ignorant people like that because (I feel) their life is so empty that they have to waste their time doing things like that. Thinking that way not not only helps me not you be offended to much by idiots, but it also helps me to be a more understanding and compassionate human being (even though I called that person an idiot. lol) (Don't get me wrong, I still get angry at people's actions, but it helps a lot to see those people as ignorant should in need of help. Like they say, love heals all, and that's what they are lacking, and what some of us are so incredibly fortunate to have in our lives. Personally, I have a daughter with multiple disabilities. She is so sweet and loving towards everyone and puts a huge smile on everyone she meets that you have no choice but to forget about everything else. I'm blessed to have her!! The Troll, poor soul, doesn't have anything that even comes close. :(

(BTW, your writing style is a pleasure to read!)

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