A Cheerful Sort Of Day...: Himself was... - Lung Conditions C...

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A Cheerful Sort Of Day...

26 Replies

Himself was a bit badly yesterday...I put it down to eating pork pies actually, but he said the pork pies were grand and I said they'd taste alright, but who knows what is lurking inside a Tesco's Premium Tasty Pie...squashed up donkey for all he knows.

So he took himself off to bed with a handy bucket in case he threw up 'cos I don't do vomit...can do blood...don't mind blood in the slightest, but don't do vomiting. And he lay there looking pale and wan...I kept offering glasses of water but the stubborn old so and so won't drink when he's poorly and I tell him he'll be carted off in the meat wagon if he doesn't drink...so he takes a tiny weeny little sip just to shut me up...

My ambulant oxygen was still in the car and I can't open it...the car...not the oxygen...don't know why I can't unlock the stupid thing but the key sort of whizzes round and the doors stay firmly closed...so I was doing quite a bit of huffing actually trying to rely on the concentrator with its short piping 'cos I still haven't got around to asking for longer tubing that'd reach the loo if nothing else.

It was peaceful with him dozing in the next room...didn't mind actually 'cos it meant I could listen to a whole story using my headphones and I did loads of rows of the new blanket I'm crocheting...

And I finished the book I was reading on the Kindle...it was excellent but the ending had me pole-axed...never saw it coming for even the briefest second...it left me fretting over the outcome for the people involved, which is the sign of a decent novel I always think...when the characters seem to be real.

He's better today...up early to take the dogs for their walk...there was a very sharp frost...and he's eaten breakfast and lunch without a mishap.

Himself has a new Gt granddaughter...her name is Harper Amelia...thank heavens for FaceAche, otherwise we'd probably not know she'd been born until she was leaving school...! I should think her parents took the name from Posh and Beck's child rather than from Harper Lee the author of To Kill A Mockingbird...

And the local florist, whose name is Ita, called this afternoon with a pretty woven bucket filled with flowers for Mothers Day ...they came from my stepdaughter Teresa, who never ever forgets.

The frog-spawn is sitting quietly in a plastic bucket...the black dots, which will become the tadpoles, are grower bigger...magical when you think they'll turn into frogs...

So all is well in our little cottage...Himself is better...I have pretty flowers to look at...and the sun has been shining all the day long...

26 Replies
Shirat1 profile image

Happy you are better and ginning right along reading and crocheting. Glad Himself is a bit better too. Makes life a little brighter.

I have a 50' pipping and works great. I can go up and downstairs with no trouble. Hope you get one.

Vashti, would you mind if I shared some of your stories with an aunt?? We are both 77 and love history. I have attempted to tell her some but my word paintings are so lacking compared to yours.

I truly wish you would see about publishing a book of short stories!

Do take care of yourself. Enjoy the sun and your beautiful flowers. Let us know when the tadpole grow legs. Maybe a picture??? Lol

Too bad we are an ocean apart. Would love to sit, have a cup and visit with you!!! 🍀🐸

in reply to Shirat1

Of course you can share with your Aunt...stories are meant to be told and passed on after all....I just hope she enjoys them.

It'd be lovely, wouldn't it, to stroll down our road and meet with Paddy...now he could tell you some tales...we could pick a bunch of primroses and violets and give our old donkeys a ginger biscuit...

I'll let you know of course when the tadpoles begin to grow...take care xxx

Isint it a lovely warm feeling,when alls right with the world?

Enjoy your beautiful flowers xx

Towse1950 profile image

Happy Mothers Day to you and all our Mothers.....including me!.......Audrey xx

in reply to Towse1950

Happy Mothers Day Audrey! xxx

Towse1950 profile image
Towse1950 in reply to

Vashti to you also thank you. Had a great day today at Pizza Hut Gluten Free square pizza delicious then the pictures where I proceeded to snore and the guy next but one ran down the steps to get another seat...ha ha ha. Glad the lights were low as my face was red. Audrey x

As usual, loved the story and the telling of it. So good to have a day when all is right with the world - helps with the days when it's not. Sunshine makes such a difference to everyone.

Jan xx

in reply to

The sun hasn't disappeared after all....lol

hufferpuffer profile image

Good morning Vashti, you have brought the sun out with your post! I'm so glad you are feeling better and himself too, I don't think I'll be buying any pies lol! Congrats on little Harper, I dont have faceache I did for about a year but find its just not for me..

I'm a fan of froggies though and have lots down by the marsh, hope your day is another happy one! Huff xxx

in reply to hufferpuffer

The spawn is getting bigger ...I'm watching it with an eagle eye waiting for the first tiny tadpole to appear!

emmo profile image

Aah, that's a better post. Glad himself is better - I agree about the pies, I feel like that about all pies, sausages, pate etc, like it's something 'lurking in the woodshed'! Shows my age though I didn't even know the name of Posh and Beck's child (?daughter?) I automatically thought of Harper Lee. I always say 'don't bother with Mother's Day it's a rip off - but oh I am sooo pleased when I get the flowers!

Have a good weekend, I'm off to B & Q, such an exciting life I lead.

in reply to emmo

Cold Comfort Farm...something narsty in the woodshed!

It's lovely to have flowers...your life is about as exciting as mine...lol

jeanielee profile image

Hi Vashti are you related to Marion Keyes ? Would be interested to know the title of the book you have just finished and left you so perplexed.

in reply to jeanielee

Not as far as I know...lol...the book is The Silent Girls by Eric Rickstad...it's a thriller with much strong language and a few descriptions of murders... the ending gave me the creeps!

sassy59 profile image

Sounds like things are going well for you vashti apart from the longer tubing which you really must try and get hold of. Cars have a mind of their own, much like the people who drive them. Won't tell Pete about the pork pie incident as he is a big fan of the one with the egg in. Can't stand anything like that myself and I want to save the donkeys! :)

Hope you enjoy your Mother's Day and how lovely to have flowers delivered. Makes you feel good.

You take care and enjoy the weekend. xxxxx

in reply to sassy59

Teresa never ever forgets to send me flowers...it's such a lovely gesture.

I have to confess to liking the pastry on pork pies...lol

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Me too! xxxx :)

redted profile image

So good to hear all is well,enjoy your beautiful flowers, it's lovely to know you have been thought about. Hope himself keeps of the pies for a while. Lol.

in reply to redted

Silly man...he does love them as a treat!

Pedros profile image

Hi sweetheart, have always loved your stories and feel that you must be a warm caring person so himself must feel blessed to have you as a companion. My purpose in writing is oxygen tubing. My tubing, at my request, will not only reach the front door but will also reach the upstairs bathroom. There was no problem with oxygen company about this. However, 2 things. 1 the tubing (or cabling as they call it) should not be longer than 50 metres (I think). 2. A long cable can be a nuisance as it catches up on everything and can trip you up. Fatally so, in the case of an elderly friend of mine (in his 90s). But do go for it and take care.


in reply to Pedros

I'm pleased you enjoy my tales Pedro...thank you. I'm going to 'phone my oxygen people on Monday about having a longer cable.

Azure_Sky profile image

Tesco meat is the worst. My daughter did an intermediate food hygiene course. The best of all is Morrisons as they know exactly where all their meat and fish come from. Hence no horse or donkey found in their shops. They don't use Hal Al meat either.

My husband is now the proud owner of a recliner chair which has been taken over by our Jack Russell. He gives dirty looks when he has to make way for the husband.

in reply to Azure_Sky

Like our little Millie, who claims the easy armchair as her very own and makes it perfectly plain that she doesn't like Himself sitting there!

Dragonmum profile image

I'm with Himself on the pork pie issue - love the things but mine are Sainsbury's, not that it makes the slightest difference what goes into them! Ask him if he knows why there are now wide open spaces where the aspic/jelly used to be - is it some kind of EU directive that's robbed us of the stuff. One day I'm going to have a go at making my own, it's been on my bucket list for years but (a) my mincer packed in years ago and (b) I'm getting too lazy to get out of my own way. Glad you're on the mend Vashti, keep it up.

in reply to Dragonmum

I asked him...Ooo he said...I hadn't noticed but I like the jelly...lol

Azure_Sky profile image

Melton Mowbray Pork Pies have the jelly in. They can only be made in Melton Mowbray.

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