Rex on the beach, and he pulls me along, I find it hard to hold him back sometimes because he's so strong and the coalman is terrified of him,and the farmers..the postmen won't get out of their vans, they just beep...I love him though, he's a rescued dog and he howls like a beast !
huff xxx
My Beast: Rex on the beach... - Lung Conditions C...
My Beast

Rex is gorgeous,he looks like he,s guarding the beach against invaders love xxxx
Sigh, he looks a real handsome dog. I would love to have a dog. Would encourage me to walk, but no I will not be tempted. Poor dog would spend 5 days from 9 to 5.30 on his own. Not fair to the dog. Enjoy him huffxx
I have a 9 month old bull mastiff he's huge but so gentle , when I take him for a walk it's as if he knows I can't walk far or fast and he just plods along but at the mo he's pulled a ligament in his leg so he's lame and walks worse than I do, absolutely love him to bits hate seeing him in pain same as he does me, lovely pic of ur dog huff. X Sonia x

Sonia, I love your big pup! hope his leg gets better soon he looks so strong your monster ahhhh!
Isn't it great the way they keep us fit! when his leg heals up how far do you have to walk him every day? huff xxxx
looks like he is guarding the shopping

Haha yes eyes! he does! be great if he could carry the shopping as well! huff xxxx
Handsome fella,& great guard dog too,what more could you want! xxx

Hi Wendells, he is a good guard dog you're right, I need one where I am in the sticks, on my own often and he's great company! huff xxxx
Your Rex is a handsome big fellow Huff. My youngest Border Collie Missy gets a little carried away and drags me along sometimes but for the most she is extra good. Why are you coughing up blood??? I read that and thought geez! Is that what is classed as an exacerbation. it would have to be an infection wouldnt it? I love your positivity its the only way to live. I must have come across as being depressed. I assure you I'm not. I'm tired and a little cheesed off because of this breathlessness when I never where is it coming from grrrrr. And my big brother has just had another run in with cancer after 12 years free of it. So all in all a very stressful past 6 weeks! I work basically 7 days a week and I've decided I might drop one and have a "me" day instead. Lunch with the girls etc. Is the health system so bad over there in the UK? I didnt realise. I'm in Australia and although people moan and groan I think we fare rather well really. I saw on a post (UK) that the lady would have to wait 8 days to see the dr. I thought WHAT....and many mention seeing the practise nurse. Not that I go to dr's very often but I know if I need one I pick up the phone and make an appointment for the same day. We see the dr we dont have to go through a nurse. And from other discussions there seems to be a problem with having a ct scan even when you are very ill.....that certainly isnt the case here. Of course there will always be exceptions but perhaps we should be thinking ourselves lucky as our system seems to work more to our benefit. You also mentioned the genetic factor in your case. Thats something I always wondered regarding my family. my Dad suffered with copd for 20 years. he was told asthma for 15 years then in the last few years of his life they changed that to COAD as it was called then. His father (though he lived to be well into his 80's) also had it as did all his brothers! Now my brother and I. Though my brother insists he has asthma. So I wonder but then we have all smoked as well. Perhaps one day when I have a dr's appointment I might ask about the blood test just to check. Hugs Suz x
Hi Suz, I'm really sorry about your big brother and no wonder you are all feeling stressed!!I hope he gets well soon, they are discovering better treatments all the time and I know two people who have recovered well after chemo recently. Very glad you are going to have a 'me' day!! it's good to take time out for yourself especially with so much going on and you working every day.
I have been to the doctors a couple of years ago about the coughing up blood and he said its to do with the lining of the lungs being thin and coughing.. yes the health system could be much better than it is, there has been too many cut backs , too many patients and not enough money or staff!... best to stay well getting to see the doctor of your choice takes a month where I live! and you have to get past the nurse before you can see any doctor!
I'm glad you are in Australia, what a great country it is, I have cousins living just outside Sydney they've been there about 40 years now and they love it!
I think getting a blood check is good, I have passed this genetic Alpha1 on to my son and my daughter is too afraid to take the test, she has Asthma and so has my Grandson Back to dogs,
I love Border Collies, I watched Lassie again the other day it was fab! Take care, hugs huff xxx
Have you tried him with a halite it does stop them pulling lovely looking dog
He's gorgeous. My son has a black lab, she's 3 years old and has a lovely temperament.
Awww thanks Jolyn, sadly my Rexo died on Dec 19th, he was only 5 but had a genetic heart condition and there was nothing that could be done, I am missing him so much!
Ah, here he is π I remember now. I rescued Freddie too. He had separation anxiety & all sorts but I loved him. He saved my life back on 2010. Bless them eh xxx