After taking a few pics of the bird life that turned up outside my Dads kitchen window I went for a stroll up the lane for my daily exercise.
I did the usual route but then I thought it was time to get off the beaten track and take the path up through the woods to an old yew tree I remembered from way back in my past. Its a bit of a
climb and was steeper than I remembered but the last time I did this walk I was young and fit.
I turned up the oxygen and dug in thinking if I keel over now it could be a while before I'm found but sometimes you do these stupid things and take a chance.
As I approached my destination a dog appeared walking quietly beside me, I stopped and looked back to its owner heading my way. As he got closer I realised It was one of my old Indoor Tennis friends who I hadn't seen since my illness struck me down, Dave I said and he replied Tony, what the hek are you doing up here, looking at my oxygen equipment and probably thinking you crazy fool shouldn't you be somewhere a little less remote.
Well after I had got my breath back enough to talk we had a lengthy conversation updating him on my ordeal over the past 4 years while his dog waited patiently by his side. We chatted about the years of late night winter indoor tennis we used to play and I caught up on how they still play there now once the weather starts to turn ugly again.
I told him how I really miss my Tennis and would love to play again one day but my only chance of that happening was to get a lung transplant as my lungs were now permanently damaged.
We carried on up the path to the Yew Tree that was still there just as I remembered it where he went on with his way with his very patient dog and I headed for home, downhill all the way now stopping only to buy a bottle of home made apple juice from the roadside stall leaving the payment in the honesty box. Its great that this area can still trust passers by to do the right thing.
Sat here writing this post I am still determined to return to the tennis courts one day and even give Dave R a run for his money but for now I'll settle for my life in the slow lane where I am just happy to still be here chatting to all you good people out there.
Tony. Never give up on that dream Healthunlockeders.