I am writing this on behalf of my mum who is 63 she has had the 2 week referral to the chest clinic with suspected lung cancer due to have a cyst on her lung that has grown and all the signs of lung cancer.
After having a bronchosopy and ct sca... - Lung Conditions C...
After having a bronchosopy and ct scan received an appointment for results asking me to refrain from smoking that day, does anybody no why?

Sorry, I really have to ask. Given all of her problems why on earth is she still smoking?
Good luck.
I can understand why your mother is still smoking - addiction etc - but i don't understand why you would be asking this question. Smoking causes lung cancer -
please give your mum support to give up. Ring the BLF helpline and speak to one of their wonderful nurses to get help with this. It's urgent!
Hi Natalie, to give your Mum the chance of a longer healthier life please try to help her give up smoking. It is essential. 63 years old is still relatively young. Please help her over this and to enjoy a reasonable quality of life. xx
Hi Natalie
It could be that they intend to do lung function tests on this appointment and when doing these you are asked not to smoke for 4-6 hours before the test. Hoping for good news for your mum.
Hi thanks for everybody's replys
We know she shouldn't be smoking with her conditions and she is trying too quit. We have not had it confirmed that it is lung cancer yet, we have an appointment for the results next Monday so very nervous