41 year old male 6 feet 3 inches 17 stone. cutting down on smoking trying to stop(down to 4/5 cigs per day) excercise consists of cycling average 60 miles per week. Over the last few months i have gradualy been getting worse. Ok most days but on an evening i get a sense of my lungs filling up (drowning sensation) a tightness across my chest and back, then the cough starts and it gets worse when i go to bed and lie down. After lying down sometimes i cough to the point of nearly passing out, my vision goes i get severe pain in my head. I sort of come back round from the cough fit and i can have produced a huge amount of phlegm during the coughing fit. It can last for several hours sometimes all night. but it goes away again and i spend most daytimes ok (sometimes a bit wheezy). I have been to doctors, had chest x ray last september (ok) spirometry test (past ok), now on 10mg Loratadine as docs grasping at straws thinking i maybe alergic to something. Also been referred to a sleep aponea clinic even though symptoms are present before i get to sleep. (docs grasping at straws again) any help, advice or similar would be greatly appreciated as i am at the end of my tether. Writing this at 5 am after a bad 3.5 hrs sleep woohoo.
Any ideas- drowning feeling, lots of ... - Lung Conditions C...
Any ideas- drowning feeling, lots of phlegm, cough to the point of nearly passing out, cough causing vomiting.

Morning Gazpot have you had any test for COPD? As how you discribe your symptoms sounds very simalar to how I am when I get a chest infection. Panic sets in when it happens. I have this complaint. Sorry can't be more help worth asking the question at your doctors. Rose
Thanks i have had lung function test which came back as very good nurse said that there would be no way i would be able to cycle to work (30 mile round trip) if i had COPD. Stranger thing is it only of an evening. Ok for most of the day. My wife thinks i maybe allergic to the daughters hamster.
Simple skin prick tests for allergies will show if allergic to pets. Doesn't hurt.
Not sure I believe that about inability to cycle if you have copd. Many here have copd and use static cycling for exercise - Dall05 cycles miles at home & he is waiting for a lung transplant!
Hi Gaz pot ...i don't really have any ideas other than to give up the cigs ...I have copd I'm 49 I gave smoking last year when I got diagnosed I havnt looked back I breathe like never before ...keep on trying keep up the exercise that's the best thing for us ...regards Wes
Not long that I joined this site and not very used to it, then I keep being knocked off. you have it rough for someone so young, I have Bronchietusus as well as another bug not found out yet as going through tests. Have just had 2 weeks of I-V Antibiotics. I do hopeyo have things sorted but if the tests you had were normal,i would think it could be a allergy. take care. Monica.
Good luck then Gazpot sounds like your wife could be on the right path. Rose
Hi gazpot, a warm welcome to this site.
I think it's a good idea to call the BLF helpline today. They are fantastic. They can advise what to do re docs, tell you what tests you need to insist on from docs, tell you the right questions to ask them. 03000 030 555 think they start at 10am, Mon to Fri.
I sympathise greatly, it must be awful the on top of this you have broken sleep.
I'm no doctor but I have to say the coughing at night is very symptomatic of asthma.
Although with huge coughing fits in asthma the airways close so you can't cough anything up. I recall coughing so much at times in the past it would cause me to gag & vomit.
Sometimes so raw there'd be blood. I recognise now it was undiagnosed asthma. (dx 9 years ago now).
Look on the BLF information. Click on all the bits n bobs above including the red balloon. They will also send it all to you electronically or by post.
There are so many different lung problems and yours needs investigating. If I had my time over I would have insisted on a CT scan at the beginning instead of of all the x-rays over the years. Another year was wasted for me whilst trying to get a scan via consultant at hospital (my GP requested it but it's down to the cons). Had I know I'd have begged borrowed or stolen to get a private scan.
What colour is your mucus? Has your GP sent off a sample of it to be tested for infection? It could be an infection.
Because you are young and fit -ish you can still cycle etc while I'll. I look back and recall many times I must have had infections/chronic bronchitis but was so fit & strong I continued to work, cycle 50 miles a week minimum (in London's polluted traffic, diesel fumes are worst btw) swam 25 lengths before work daily.
Exercise is definitely the way forward with dodgy lungs. The diaphragm is a muscle & it needs to be kept strong.
Absolutely fantastic you are cutting down on the cigs (perhaps all the accumulated crap is being cleared out now?) try to quit ASAP. It takes a while for your lungs to recover so best to start now.
Hopefully, this will just be a warning for you to take care of your lungs from now on but really, please go on to get investigations. A diagnosis is on the cards, I believe that can only be done in hospital or chest clinics with their advanced equipment, skin tests for allergies, CT scans.
Before you get a referral though, do a bit of research on the best places near you. For instance my nearest is The Royal Brompton (oh if only I'd known then what I know now I wouldn't have gone to the crap cons I did - they are deffo not all the same)!
All the best to you, make that call in 90 minutes from now
Hi thanks for all the advice and so quickly. I wasn't expecting replies for days. I am seeing a doc this afternoon will get sample tubes so test can be done but to be honest 3 docs so for have not been encouraging. I have not had samples so far but will ask about CT scan. (enquire how much private). I have white phlegm. The odd time pink but i know this is probably from strong coughing and bursting the odd blood vessel.
Ah white, interesting. People with Bronchiectasis have that ( I shouldn't have said that as I'm no doctor, just an idea). Or it could be froth from stomach from over acidity does the froth cease if you eat something?
Do make that call before docs today. Very important so you know what to ask for, they are the experts. Unfortunately the G in GP is for general, not many are experts in lung health.
Let me know what they say, I'll be waiting!
You deffo need a ct scan in my opinion (but of course I'm no doc) and sputum test for pseudomonas
Your headline reminded me of me. About ten years ago. When I smoked. In fact I used to pass out. Sit by the bed after waking up coughing, pass out and once split my head open on the way down. There is no two ways about it. The problem was caused by smoking. I quit. and all them symptoms you describe left me. Well a lot of them. I don't pass out now, I don't cough uncontrollably. I don't vomit when coughing, I don't feel like I am drowning. Don't matter if you smoke 5 or 40 fags. You have to stop. The choice my friend of course is yours. My worry was given time I would pass out at the wrong time and end up dead. Break a rib. Or give myself a heart attack. There really are so many ways to go. Quit now. Is my only advice. And once you realise it is quit or die. You will be amazed at just how easy quitting becomes...
have you taken sample of phlegm to be tested to see what infection you are developing, seems like it's growing worse you need antibiotics short term but need to find out what your growing so that they can prescribe the one that will kill it. good luck. x
I feel for you: as I have a similar condition and like you feel at end of my tether. Going into Royal Bromoton again next week for yet again more tests. Having great difficulty in breathing and start to panic - not a nice feeling I use. Inhalers (have 3 different ones, which seem to help ) everyday. I wish you well in recovering from this awful feeling.
17 stone is a bit heavy even for 6ft 3 - wouldn't hurt to drop a bit of poundage IMO; get off the ciggies! Neither of these may be the root cause but they aren't helping - I did both some years back and the improvement was fantastic.
Wondering if there is any sign of damp or mould in the bedroom? I have a lung disease which got worse recently. After several weeks I notices some damp on the skirting board behind my bed - I was at my worst once in the bedroom and had coughing fits and breathing problems all night - during the day wasn't so bad, but always started when I went to bed. Worth checking it out...
Ah yes gazpot, another allergy test I amongst others including pet, mould, dust or dust mite, aspergillis. They do it all at the same time.
I'm allergic to mould ( but I always new that as can't drink some wines, blue cheese, yeasty stuff, mushroom etc but I didn't realise it affected airways)
Hi you are going through what I have been experiencing since Christmas. Maybe a recovery pack will help you, I've just started another one, wish u better.
No sweat Gazpot - I shed 2.5 stone by altering my eating habits - cut the carbs and replace with protein, never felt hungry which was always my biggest problem with dieting. Must admit I'm a bit of a carb freak, bread spuds and pasta my favourites, but once I made up my mind that I had to get the weight off my arthritic hips......................!
Switching from tabs to an e-cig was far easier and buried the smoking habit four years ago - did both more or less at the same time.
Hi gazpot72.. sorry your feeling like that.I've stopped smoking ...well on my 3 red try been 8 months no fags...I be been really dizzy..although on morpine for cornic pain..back..and joint pain.but had phymiona 2 year ago had bad chest since..you sound fitter then me I am 38.. although through pain ..stress kids..still try keep off fags...I never even coughed any crap up..at all.all times I've never coughed anything up..but....but..drank loads water at first..helps..really..I've had 3 x rays since my last bad chest..came OK.
Although get pain..sounds like when you lie down making things worse..have you tryed running shower..steam etc..sounds like your suffering..and nothing worse then feeling like you can't breath.....keep up with off fags..well done..need to see a chest sepeclist...good look
my advice is i suspect is same as your doctors and that is stop with cigs its not that hard and believe me you will feel a whole lot better and it reilly is not that hard.
My poor gazpot, others will comment on the smoking.
One think I know for certain: when you lie down, the oxygen falls. Also when you lie down, this is the ideal position fro the water in your lungs to come up, which leaves you this drowning feeling.
I don't know if you are up to it, but when you are not so frozen follow this exercise to cough up some of the mucus that forms this water do this preferably before you go to bed:
If you can sleep sitting up. either arrange cushions to that effect, or get in touch with your pulmonary nurse and ask her to get in touch with the physiotherapist to give you a frame to sit upright in bed
By the way, yo refer to doctor, is that your GP or a consultant. have you been referred to a chest consultant? If not , I think it's high time you did. I'm no doctor, but it sounds you have one lung problem. You need other tests than spirometry which only reveals your lung capacity, a CT scan to reveal what your lungs are like, things like that. Hope this helps.
Hi Gazpot
For what it is worth here is my experience.
I was coughing non-stop, and I mean non- stop, as soon as I lay down for a total of five months this time last year
. Spend 6 weeks in total on IV antibiotics etc in hospital being treated for lung infection which I did not have. Like you my sputum was clear. Spent each night in the lounge as I could not lay down without coughing. There was not a sign of a cough during the day. Had all sorts of scans - sinus, cameras etc.
However, it turned out that it was a hiatus hernia that was causing the coughing. As soon as I was treated for the hernia, the coughing stopped. I did not have symptoms of HH.
It might be worth your while to get it checked.
Hope this helps.
Have you had any check for G.E.R.D.?
Went to see GP and have been given an inhaler for relaxing the airways. GP believes it maybe. Allergy related. Had the inhaler for 2 days only use when feeling chest tightening. So far so good may have found allegen also as wife and i have found what we think maybe rising damp. And also damp patch on wall in bedroom behind a dresser. Get this sorted and see how it goes. Would just like to thank everyone for your comments and advice. If any update will post again. Wish all well. thanks
Hi, I have Chronic Hpersensitivity Pneumonitis ( Scarring of the lungs through allergy to birds!!), waiting for lung transplant. Check out your duvet, pillows, and so on for feathers, and get the hamster out of the house for a while, the mould spores sound dodgy too. Once the damage is done its irreversable, remember that!!!
Hello: I live on Oahu Hawaii. I have been suffering for 10 yrs from VOG. It went from problematic to a daly struggle. I take three meds to help me get by. I am planning to move permanently but right now I feel like I am drowning, I blow snot, at night I have to pin my jaw open. My mouth gets so dry it feels like its going to crumble. I wake up gagging hacking phlem, and lately its got me so down. I Pound zip fizz energy drinks to stay on my feet. If not, after I eat breakfast and just lie down feeling like I havn't slept in days. I am not proud to say that I have considered suicide. I get so irritable I can't even stand myself. I run a business and can't just abandon my Customers. Though I have made efforts to letting them know I have to leave. I am currently trying to tidy up my home and toss things, & finish projects. It feels so lonely that I have to leave my home cause I can't handle the air pollution, like I am a weak sickly person. Some days I feel like i am wrapped inside a wet blanket and can't fight my way out of it. UGH. Before you ask I have been to 3 specialists. They all suck or so creepy, with no improvement. Its like talking to a lunatic each time. My Primary has been the most help, go figure. If I could just get all my sinus cut out it would be worth any price, but they all want you to go through months of this and that. like game playing. And never want to approve surgery. I can only guess if they fix your the money train stops. Who has the time these days???
"If I could just get all my sinus cut out it would be worth any price, but they all want you to go through months of this and that." The LAST thing you want to do it get all your sinuses cut out. I know swollen turbinates cause a lot of problems---but go look them up on the internet and you'll find that many people who get them operated on end up with severe health problems. The turbinates are supposed to be there---the fact that your doctors are making you go through "months of this and that" is a good thing. Only a greedy, reckless doctor would suggest surgery right off the bat. Surgery is always a risky venture and, therefore, all other options should be tried first. Look up the term empty nose syndrome and you'll think twice about surgery. What is really scary is that many doctors will perform sinus surgery and then reduce the turbinates while they are in there because they decide---while they are doing surgery--that they are too big. This means they didn't even discuss it with you first---so how can they get your consent?