Can I get a disability blue badge for... - Lung Conditions C...
Can I get a disability blue badge for my car ? As I have got copd and I get out of breath very easy.

If you receive DLA higher rate mobility then blue badge is automatic.
Otherwise a assessment is required.
Application are approved. By you local council.
Application can be made online,
My husband had an assessment and got his been very useful. Good luck TAD xx
yes you can . apply on line . really easy to do .
I didn't have an assessment. I filled in the online form an put COPD Stage 3. A few days later I had a proper lung function test and I was actually Stage 4. I called the Blue badge people and said I was Stage 4. He said it doesn't really matter as I'd been awarded the Blue badge and it was in the post !
i received mine simply by applying to the local council ..received it no problem and no assessment needed
Sunny Lowestoft here. I know Brighton well. I use to work for the Parks and Gardens part of the Council for about 3 years. I still go there once in a while when I visit my offspring on the south coast.
Visited Lowestoft once it was closed for the winter LOL

Sometimes I think it's closed all year round !
Hi Merlin -Its a postcode lottery my DWP / PIP assessments are still (yawn) getting processed I have moderate emphysema & asbestosis I applied and was refused? because I could walk the prescribed distance irrespective of the physiological affects it has on my body. I have just sent an appeal in this morning accompanied by a supporting letter from my BLF Nurse !!! Fingers crossed (but not holding my breath !!!!!) All you can do is try - Good Luck - Plumbob
If you live in the London Borough of Redbridge you haven't got a chance. I used to have one and tried to renew it, I had to have a mobility test with trick questions being asked. Like why don't you get a dog, I'd love to be able to walk a dog but COPD has put that to rest. I even went through all the Appeal stages and whilst they said that I was having trouble walking (tough luck) you are not ill enough. My advise is never move to LBR. PS good luck to you as I am now a prisoner in my own home as I can't walk very far at all, Maurice
I also live in Redbridge. Complete nightmare to get Blue Badge! Did EVERYTHING they asked for. Letter from GP. Letter from consultant etc. they wouldn't even assess me - said I was too young! Eventually I got high rate DLA so they had to give it to me. Was a such a nightmare.
So sorry about the problems you have had. Without my Blue Badge I would be housebound and unable to work... Dreading move over to PIP.
I don't intend to go to Stage 5. I'm not dying to get there anyway.
I just applied to the council and got a badge very soo after.
Just fill out the form and be honest about yourself, I got one,no probs
I too have COPD and had a Blue Badge up until March 2013, went renew it and got turned down. To cut a long story short I had mobility test, they agreed I had problems but wouldn't renew it. I went through all the appeal stages and all I was told "Your Not ill Enough". London Borough of Redbridge for you, they don't give a damn about you.
hi guys must be very hard to decided who gets one there are so many now every town centre meter seams to have blue badge and it is now harder to find a blue badge space it is a benefit that is now far to overused by how can I put this chancers that don't need it so genuine people cant find space.There should be a campaign to move mother and child spaces to allow more disability spaces when did it become necessary for parents to be closer to the door? bigger spaces to get kids out /prams up yes but some are closer than blue badge spaces!! so if there where more maybe not as hard and fast as Redbridge but they need restricted .
I got my blue badge no problem in December last year.
It's been a godsend.
I have severe emphysema,plus osteoporosis.and just recently have been getting so much pain with my left hip,especially at night,pain is horrendous.
I have a pip assessment on sat 19th March.
Fingers crossed.