I need a marquee 2.5 mtr by 6 mtr anybody got one
You know I don't Know why registered ... - Lung Conditions C...
You know I don't Know why registered I was trying to get a form filled in for a blue badge didn't get anywhere though

I would like to talk but not sure what you need to know. xx

Blue badge I need one for the wife she diagnosed with cancer in 1998 she's had treatment but the after effects carry in today tires easily and still complaining about pains in the abdomen doctors say there's nothing there
have you tried your local council,or your c,a,b,office,or welfare rights officers,rashid,1

Yes the council office they try there best to put you off I tried to apply online fit the badge and the questions alone baffled me I gave up and cancelled the application it was a lot easier when you could talk to a human face to face
we are all human on hear,shoot away,or go to red balloon at top corner,blf will assist you all they can,there number will show,
blf number,03000 030 555,lines are open now till 5pm
try your local newspaper for garden stuff ,miscellaneous sales,

Thank you I will and if need free help with mobile advice I can help no repairs that u have to bring to the shop on the market next to cool trader
Hi Rasheed, the Citizens Advice Bureau are very good at helping filling in forms.
I filled in my mothers Blue badge application on line, but she had one previously so it was easier to do. I think you have to get a letter from your wife's gp though...I may be wrong
Best of luck.
Yes you do need a letter my gp charges £35 and that the secretary types it and in a piece of a4 I think it is a ripp off
your right there,cant you and wife go to gp and explain,you have limited funds,ours charge 5pound,and yes its scrapy a4 print out,
My GP made no charge at all when I applied for blue badge and I found it reasonably straight forward compared to most official forms
think that's true,mine charge 5 pound for medical information if I request it,
But dont forget now aswell as paying docs, you now have to pay for badge they are no longer free, well thats in Leicestershire. Joan x PS think it was 20 pounds.
My husband paid £10 for his recently which lasts for 3 years. In Greater Manchester they no longer involve GPs but make assessment using an occupational therapist. Do get help with filling in the form, getting about will be so much easier. Good luck Joyce
Have to say I got my blue badge free in 2012, but I thought it was supposed to be £10 nationally, when the new rules came in, judging from the replies on this post I must have got it wrong it sounds like the cost is decided by different councils according to where you live (postal lottery). I also thought it was up to the local council to decide if you are entitled, not the GP of course a GPs letter would help no doubt.
Dear Rashed
this can be done online now through Direct gov website please speak to your doctor first to ensure you are both saying the same thing. the walking limit is now 60metres. they may well question you on the phone about this so make sure you have a copy of the form you have filled in before you send it off. always put the worst case senario. hope this helps
I use to take the wife to the doctors twice a week for the pains she use to have the doc kept saying it was nothing and kept giving her paracetamol for over a year then he gave her co codomols it took 3 years when we decided to go to emergency to hospital and a surgeon who was on duty didn't even take X-rays told me this was a serious case and admited for op she had cancer and it had spread too far I don't think this twit of a doctor will help thee other surgeries are too far to walk ! Still tomarrow is Sunday I'll go online and fill it in see what happens innit
The doctors don't decide an occupational therapist decides if you're unfit or whether you deserve a badge and it depends when you fill the online forms if you got enough points all in all this government is tighten all the budgets and making the poor even more poorer ( we are being ruled by the new world order ) illuminati I reckon we have no choice anymore they say and we have to do
its jump,and we say how high,well up theres the bunch tossers,no 1 in there right mind agrees with any bull no more,how is wife now,

She's got over the cancer bit all the female organs have been removed at the time doc was saying maybe 1 year to live but thank god that was 9 years ago she is still complaining about the tiredness she's a fighter I'd be lost without her
Age u.k. or welfare rights might be able to help!
I applied for a blue badge I had to go through my local council they told me I could not have one because I did not claim DLA or any other benefits, at that point I went up like a bottle of pop. They then sent me to see a physiotherapist when I showed her the appointment I had got from the hospital for my spine block I was given a blue badge straight away.
blue badge should not be to much a problem your doctor will be the one that tells u u need it and once sent with pic and fiver tks bout week to come throgh but must only be used for u as they asre very strict and u would get hefty fine and it tken away hope this helps u