I have a blue badge is this prove i a... - Lung Conditions C...
I have a blue badge is this prove i am disabled my golf club says no

In order to have a blue badge, you need to have some sort of disability. It can temporary caused by an operation or permanent. I am wondering if you are attending a golf club, how disabled you are, or perhaps you are a visitor. BUT the club should recognise the badge.
I have been diagnosed with copd and have been told I will not have to attend to be re assessed as my condition will not improve
I spoke to my local council, social services and they sent me a card that states that I am registered disabled to show to anyone who needs to see it.
The term 'registered disabled' used to apply to those who were registered at the labour exchange, now JobCentre, as being in receipt of a disability benefit. This requirement vanished after the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) was brought in. Now it is a case of meeting the requirements of the DDA under their definitions that counts, although you don't get any 'proof' to be able to show this.
Some local councils maintain a register of disabled persons, usually via their social services department, of those who are seen to be vulnerable. They issue a card to show that a person is 'registered' in order for them to obtain discounts on local facilities like council swimming baths and gyms. I'm told by my local council that is the current accepted definition of 'registered disabled' for them.
To be seen as 'disabled' for a lot of other things you would need to be in receipt of Disability Living Allowance or similar. Many people have applied for blue badges and been turned down, even though they have been diagnosed with COPD or similar, as they do not meet the requirements of the tests the council lays down.
As has been said many times, having COPD is not an automatic entitlement to things like a blue badge, or other benefits. No, it does not 'get better', but many people have shown that they can lead a pretty normal life once they realise what the condition is, and use their medication etc. They may have a disability by way of a medical condition, but would not be seen as 'disabled' under the DDA.
I am not after concessions just would like to use a golf buggy to allow me to continue playing golf, as unable to walk the golf course
thanks stitch will follow your advise
Why don't you just ask what they will accept?
I agree that it seems unreasonable - you want to continue to play golf but need a buggy to get round - shouldn't be such an issue.
My council will only give Blue Badge to people with high rate DLA - despite this not being accurate interpretation of law. But at least with that I have my proof of disability...
Hope you get it sorted soon - ready for that 1 day of summer it looks like we will get!
It is difficult when you look 'normal' to everybody isn't it? My local council issued me with a small yellow card to show if im questioned. Nowadays unfortunately you only have to look at me to know there is something wrong ??. Gordon is so right, i carried on as normal for years with my meds helping me. Hope you get the use of the buggy, i always thought anyone could just hire them at the golf club.
No during the winter you have to be classed as disabled to use one if the course is wet and buggies are banned
From a personal point of view, and in all seriousness, if I was that bad with COPD then I would not be out in the winter months, buggy or no buggy. The cold wet air would be no good for my chest and I'd feel worse for going out than from any benefit of getting some exercise.
No, it does not 'get better', but many people have shown that they can lead a pretty normal life once they realise what the condition is, and use their medication etc. They may have a disability by way of a medical condition, but would not be seen as 'disabled' under the DDA. Make your mind up not everyone is you and everyone is different
copy pasting others words from who knows where and from what discussion, in response to a 7 month old post and then tagging your own comment on the end of it without any separation IS very misleading.
well said bc,high 5,
Your comments not mine
im a new member,i cant see a gordon,,so hes either ill or left,and comments was made ,lookin at posts 7month back,respect now as he could be ill,

And this is the reason why I don't come here very much these days.
People signing up for new accounts just to have a snipe at someone. The comments by 'Gazeeboo' have been reported as Trolling.
No doubt I'll be the one to get banned now, not him/her. Can't say I'm bothered really.
thats not nice,am real sorry,im glad i responded for u now, as i will any other smart remarks,and no dont mind at all,reign in your emotions ,your health must come 1st,gazzbo a troll eh,sick, breathe well come on anytime,bernice

I used to be on here for hours a day, some of the members who have been here a while would tell you that I tried my best to be helpful and pass on information. Then the site went through a series of attacks by downright idiots who just wanted to stir up trouble. I decided that I'd had enough and stopped posting, simple as that. I get alerts if someone responds to one of my posts, as I did today. That's how I knew to come here and see what had been written and was not happy about it at all.
dont let them get you unhappy,as they must be really saddos,keep emotions in,respect to you,bernice,
i was a bit like you i couldnt walk but could still just about swing my arms i neaver had any problems were i am but as gordon says going out in the cold is the last thing you want to be doing when you are like we are ive not played now for about 7 years i do miss it but there you go
Very interesting.I have always found that the time I would use my blue badge to show I am disabled ,it,s being displayed in my car ,i.e. on a trip to the theatre.
I always use a copy of my letter from the DWP stating I am entitled to DLA.
That's the same as I use, if I need to. An official DLA letter seems to be the definitive proof.
According to the news stories, a lot of blue badges are used by very able bodied people who 'borrow' them from relatives. Just how this sort of thing can be controlled, so we're not all tarred with the same brush, is a puzzle.
Great to hear from you Gordon57. Wish you will come back miss you dearly. Berwick

Lots more reasons why I stopped posting, many of which were explained in my farewell message months ago, just before the big site changes. Don't know if that got deleted or lost in the transition but it's nowhere to be seen now.
Basically I got fed up with the way the whole site was going. I do pop in from time to time for PM and have a peek at what else is going on, but I'm not encouraged to participate.
i will respect you privacy,,breathe well ,,bernice,
You are still missed take care my friend and breath easy and look after yourself. Berwick xxx
Thank you all for your comments which I have taken on board the golf club are now accepting doctors notes as proof so problem solved thank you
Yes I will have to pay but at least I can use a buggy and be able to play agree with you
Ditto. x
Driving range and cut out out the buggy ride to the 19th hole this suggestion still works for me and maybe it would help you out in the winter when buggys are banned.