Back to docs today.. been given antibiotics, steriods and antihistamines .. feeling really down with it all .I have lost my light at the end of the tunnel
poorly again :(: Back to docs today... - Lung Conditions C...
poorly again :(

whats making you so down are you stressed out anxious or scared,members hear will understand all that,and if thay can will help you,i,m scared to at times as I think we all get that feeling,have you a family to talk to,if not please tell the members ,take care,xxx or ring the blf helpline, and talk to a nurse,

I do have family .. 4 gorgeous boys, I just feel they must get fed up with it all .. I'm very scared .. I still finding it hard to come to terms with all.. I'm a real wimp sorry xx
No not a wimp. Talking it over steers you to inner discovery. Can you tell me what you are scared of? What sort of first step you could take toward some kind of solution. Would you talk to BLF helpline 03000 030 555 (open weekdays Mon to Fri 10 - 1 pm) or your doctor. A pulmonary nurse is a more down to earth person and knows what many people will lung problems suffer with. She can also refer you to their team counsellor. I had a brilliant lady who talked me through my problems, my relationship with my ill wife. Worth considering. Once in a while, go to your mirror and smile and say, I'm great you know!
I've just came back from hell myself. I saw no light at the end either but I got here after kicking myself up the backside and fighting back. You are not a wimp. I'm a very positive person but it still caught me out. We are all here to help. Ask as many questions as you like. We've all been there.
agreed puff xxx
at 1st its a shock to take in for you,but stress anxiety will make us worse,with copd, your at the mild stage ,you will be ok if you don't smoke ,exercise and eat well,try not to dwell on what you have, now think,well I,m mild copd I,m going to do all I can to stay mild,you will be ok, but stress is not the way forward,friend of mine told me, listen your 21 think like a 21yr old and I do,i,m stage 2 which is moderate,i get scared as well,your not a wimp I am really,keep on your inhalers and meds and you will be fine,as your dc not explained at the mild stage anything to you at all,thay should have or the nurse,take care,xxx
Hi Lilysausage so sorry your poorly again thats rough for you,it does get to you its blimming horrible when you dont seem to get chance to get back on track,before being struck down again!! But you have to hang in there cos it will definitely get better ,promise Try and just go with the flow take meds keep cosy posy drink plenty and munch whatever you fancy.Try and relax and accept this latest hiccup for what it is,Let your boys spoil you this weekend if they are with you,or just indulge you.Come and chat here you are most definitely not on your own,its a busy infection period for most with lung problems unfortunately,but we will recover for sure and on we go.Your not a wimp it takes time to accept a long time illness,you will get there keep talking and sharing it will help you.Takecare Lilysausage things will improve.
And you're tired and lost a bit of your fight.
I'm wondering what antiBs you've got, hope it's a good one. I was similar to you this time last year when I found this site. Thought my life was over. Endless chronic infections, antibiotics, weak, feeble and worn out.
I learnt so much on here about how to improve with, eating well, drinking plenty, exercise, Pulmonary Rehab, breathing techniques, Manuka honey, extra vitamins to build up the immune system and then I had seven whole months infection free from April to December, getting stronger and stronger. Only two infections since mid Dec, two courses of Azithromycin for each and climbing out of the trough. Hopefully that'll be the last for a while.
I'm very lucky and know I must work hard at staying strong.
Take heart, Spring is around the corner. Keep coming here to learn as much as you can xxx Peeg
agreed peegxxx
Oh Lilysausage,you do sound down,& no wonder! Once
those meds kick in,you will probably feel a lot better in yourself,there is always light at the end of the tunnel!
Just spoil yourself,loved Janes suggestions!
You have had some great advice here from everyone,
Hope you feel better soon,love Wendells xxx
Hi Lilysausage ...Hang in there we all feel like this sometimes we all share a common
bond here ..There's always a light at the end of tunnel sometimes we just lose sight of it ....keep your chin up we are here for you...hugs Wes xx
I lost the light at the end of the tunnel also .... I know EXACTLY how you are feeling. I'm scared , stressed and anxious . Not even working either at mo so money a problem as well but I keep going thanks to my family they have been amazing
Thank you so much everyone.. I have given up smoking, I exercise with my dog.. and now my benefits are almost sorted I eat as well as I can..I am waiting to go back to the hospital for the results of my breathing test, and to find out if I have asthma or allergies .. Could someone explain about the honey and vitamins please .. I am on clarithromycin antibiotics.. I explained to my doctor about this site and what the general opinion of amoxacillan was.. i really appreciate all your help ... Thank you all again Jan xxx
Hi lilly, sorry you are feeling so low, you will come through hopefully, we all feel that way sometimes, its part of the illness, it can be scary and only the people who understand are here for you, I am severe emphysema and have had repeated infections since January but now am back on track thankfully. I do hope you feel better soon, the light at the end of the tunnel is the lovely sunshine we are about to get, take care.
Best wishes Jude xx
hi lily,,, please dont be downhearted,, theres always light at the end of the tunnel, no matter what..... i am going through something similar,im on oxygen, same meds, nebs inhalers etc etc. feel really terrible now, but once i have had these medications, and worked on myself a bit,,,, i will come round a little to survive another day,,, and will thank "the man above for that",,, my carer coming anytime now ,,, jimmy
Hi Lily, so sorry you are feeling like this. I too have been feeling very down lately, crying at the least thing and worrying about things. Not been well at all since September. One illness after another. The latest was shingles and it is still so sore, can't even put tight clothes on. Apparently my 4 weekly infusion of Tocilizumab has with the steroids made my immune system non existent, so Rheumatology have taken me off it and are having a meeting to see what they can give me instead.. So as you can see we all have problems which get us down, and I don't think the damp winter weather has helped us all at all. So if you like we can have a little cry together with everyone else here that is down then a group hug. You take care Lily. Cheryl
You are not a wimp but hang on let the meds do their work and you will start to feel better and stronger. Take it very easy, look after yourself and I hope you will be well soon. Lots of love TAD xx