It has improved my breathing, wondered if others have opinions about yet ?
Is anybody else on the new inhaler Re... - Lung Conditions C...
Is anybody else on the new inhaler Relvar Ellipta ? Came out on prescription November 2013. I have been on it for 3 weeks now.

not heard of it but sounds good so good luck with it
Hi PeterK1
Havn't heard of that one is that the only name it has ,If it's working well great, Lola.
lots of information and trial results available :-
At £39.75 an inhaler I do not see our NHS trust letting my GP prescribing it for me.
read this about it,
My friend has this one she had a real bad flair up before Christmas and her GP put her on she is much better now.
well it's unbelievable but my lungs have improved, 3 months ago I had the lungs of an 84 year old and I had lost 50% capacity, today my spirometry test says I have lost 41% of my lung capacity and I have the lungs of a 77 year old.
gained 9% of lung capacity back and 7 years in lung age.
Hi just wanted to reach out to you and other asthma patients who may have started on a new inhaler recently. If you would like to participate in a market research study please let me know. It will involve participating in an online patient forum and a 1 to 1 telephone interview. You will be paid for your time.
Let me know.
Been on this for 2 years ... asthma completely controlled.
Supplied by NHS and add I'm in Wales prescriptions are free.
My Respiratory nurse at hospital prescribed me Relvar Ellipta last week, initially it helped but after 5 days my wheezing began again especially at night. I've also had awful stomach pains and nausea. Have been advised to go back to Symbicort and see if that improves things. Also got a very very dry mouth and cough
I am on Breo Elipta which is the same as Relvar but the American name. I take it in tandem with montelukast which helps with night wheezing. Haven't used a rescue inhaler in two years. Hoping to continue using Breo/Relvar when I return to the U.K.. I will pay for it if I have to because my asthma is so well controlled on it. I hope you find something that works for you.
I have been on relvar for a couple of months. It has helped such a lot. One thing to make sure of is to clean your mouth after using. It can cause a very sore mouth if you don't rince well after use
My GP put me on Relvar Ellipta and Incruse Ellipta in June last year and have worked well . Reduced the need to use Ventolin , and easy to use.
I know this thread is quite old but .........
I’ve now been using the Relvar Ellipta 184/22 (supplied by NHS) for about 6 months following a deterioration in my asthma.
I have found it to be great and I rarely use my Ventolin inhaler any more.
However, I have had a few side effects - I now always seem to have a blocked nose especially, when lying down; I seem to catch every single cough/cold going (I have very close contact with the public so that doesn’t help) and if I do have a cough/cold I partially (once totally) lose my voice.
I can deal with all of that though.