Do you think it is a good idea? I am never sure what to ask my GP as I dont want her to think I am being hypochondriac at all. I feel like I am always going and saying I feel dreadful and she thinks I am saying I am worse than I am - but actually I am feeling dreadful. I am taking my partner this time so she can hear what someone else thinks I am like.
has anyone been put on Xolair (Omaliz... - Lung Conditions C...
has anyone been put on Xolair (Omalizumab) injections for allergic asthma? I came across it the other day and was thinking of asking the GP

personally Idont think you should worry about asking for things from GP's. They are paid to keep people well and sometimes they aren't well informed if they dont specialise in something.
You could ask BLF for their opinion of these injections?
I take a tablet nightly for allergic asthma called Montelukast or Singulaire. I think it works because my sense of smell has reappearred slightly and (I hardly dare say it) I've not had a full blown infection since march/april, yippie
I have been on Montelukast for a couple of years - it helps but over time it is less effective
Hi peeg, I take Montelukast too. I thought it was for the cough. Thank you for the info. Alison
when my gp suggested I try it he said "Lets try this medication we usually give asthmatic children to get their allergic asthma under control".
Now you mention cough, I've not done much of that for a while. I think I shall go & read the leaflet right now. Night night again 'appy
Morning peeg, I am doubly surprised at being given Montelukast by Chest consultant as i told him at our first meeting that I am allergic to several things especially in the air. He said I'm not allergic to anything but could not explain sudden collapses when confronted by eg taxi rank in London when i collapsed mid sentence etc. Mind you I was tested when I had taken antihistamines, mometasone, ventoln and seretide up to and including that day! They should listen! Have a good day, Alison
same here 'appy.I had my allergy tests while on Montelukast!
I just checked the leaflet,they are deffo for allergic asthma, keeping the airways open (and therefore the coughing down?).
I'm off out on walkabout with a friend, it still hurts to sit still.
Hope the sun is shining where you are
Hi peeg, thank you so much for that. GP has said I've got asthma for about 18 months. Chest bloke said no but put me back on Montelukast. Coupe of weeks ago he mentioned that I have asthma on top of my other problems. I told him I come from a long line of asthmatics and 3 of my 6 brothers were VERY asthmatic and one of the others, like me, has eczema. With chest infections etc etc for last 21/2 years, I thought asthma being a part of it would be almost expected. Have a lovely walk. Just dropped off granddaughter for an Annie dance day.
Hi there
I have been referred to difficult asthma clinic by my resp consultant she thinks i should have omalizumab my app is on 6 sept i will keep u posted on it although havin researched it theres a chance of bad reaction so i'm in 2 minds about having it .
I wrote a post about Xolair a few weeks ago as I found an article from the Maily Mail dated November 9th 2012 saying that NICE was reconsidering the use of Xolair so I don't know if its still could but ask.
One of my daughters takes Montelukast for allergic asthma
Hi all sorry to butt in I have asthma and my specialist said that my allergies shown up high on my blood tests he also said I have minor emphysema which have shown on ct scan, i get triggers from diesel fumes and we also have a cat but generalyy any kind of smoke makes my throat and wind pipe feel irritated is there anything I could do other than avoiding them ?
Hey I have my meeting tomorrow to discuss pros and cons of oxlair. You have to have it from your respiratory consultant and can only have it if you have bad breathing allergys. Blood tests reveal if eligble. I take 2 steroid inhalers daily, predisilone steroids daily, antihistamines for breathing allergies and also montelukast (all with no relief) spend alot of the time in hospital or sat at home, struggling to even walk upstairs. Ask for the tests to be done its suposed to be a really good jab BUT be warned the cons are quite scary, however if like me and who spends alot of time in hospital on nebulisers and oxygen and have been warned my asthma could at anytime mean lights out so to speak then so worth it
Durrrrr just realised how long as you posted this, sorry
sc1983 - thank you - information is useful no matter how long ago I posted. At present I have had my theophylline increased and this has helped a lot - also I got a treadmill for myself and use it daily - this has helped too.
Hi Bealings48. I take Theophylline 400mgx2 Simbicort x8 Singulair and I also have been on the Xolair jab for the last 2 years. Its cut down my emergency hospital admissions big t8ime . B4 that I was frequently rushed into resus and ended up on a a vent in ITU nearoly every time. The The Xolair jab HAS definitely made a difference. Its not down the GP to decide wether to start a patient on such an expensive treatment , it is down the Resp Cons at the Hops. Take care
I take 2 steroids inhalers, my blue ingaler, montelukast, antihistamines & steriods orally so fingers crossed can reduce this! Am quite excited haha I lead a sad breathless life, looking forward to being able to walk upstairs without my inhaler. Really a treadmill? Fantastic, I was a fitness freak 2 years ago and looking forward to getting back to it all
Hi I've just started the xolair injections, going for my third round this week. I get 3 injections every four weeks at the moment and so far I haven't seen a difference but the chest physician said there's a 16 week trial period to test it and I won't see a difference until then. However I have spoken to other people who get the injections, some have had them for two years and they say they've done a world of good!! Never had an issue with their asthma since. Now you have to get an allergy skin prick test first to see if it is allergic asthma and if xolair would be of any use to you, but I woukd definitely enquire about it. Anything is worth a try?