Some might be deluded and not think its conected but you would be very wrong.
Shocking FACTS Letters of HCP who had had streanth tho chirp up.
Then we have those HCP who will not chirp up
Alarming Secret Your HCP Doctor Is Gagged From Telling You when it comes to health enviroment and onshore fracking
But like a was talking about my mate and he's radiation reading
And how in my opinan should write to our MP just to clear issue up with truck x ray scanners.
Here is he's reading and mine is was clear.
Also you would think those at Fracking Camp's sites would give gammapix app a waz but you can only lead hourse to water cant make it drink it.
But anyway when thay xray a hgv trailer what x xray log do this country keep and the drivers .
Is it reg number of truck or is it chaise number of trailer as we all know thay can swap number plates.
And you might want to ask them who long dose it take to distburst as its metal and stuff ... its not like its meat is it ... and what happent to those unloading them few hours later over a period of time.