Today WELL this evening i was reading intresting story about cancer and how virues can cause it.
So on scale of things why would not virues kill it .. With enstine all things having equal and oppersite THE other must be true
To many if's and but's but one of things that as sent me googling mad was how amazed i was at everything you touch see feel smell as a mathalical caulation WHO done that and WHY
Must be some ALIEN shhhh or its part of bigger story we all play a part in ONE way or OTHER.
But one thing is true and that developmants being made in heath and research and as i am typing i am contributing to math AND augmented intelligence – human decision.
Anyway enough about all that and augmented intelligence – and human decision's
I was reading about cancer virues pretty much like i started of talking about AND then i seen them going on about hot sweats and fevers.
Well since i have been on maintenance antibiots i have not had hot sweats or fevers disbite all the infections i had.
A noticable absent till reseant AND i was glad to see the return especially as i was only telling my lung doc how am glad the back as its means my immune systerm is working lot better.
Now i had cancer scare WAS oblong lung tumour growing on granulomas tissue .
During that time i had lots of lung infection 's and had no fevers hot sweats BUT since given all clear WELL of sorts I have started having hot sweats but no infections even tho they have tried .
What got my attention WAS when they was talking about hot sweats fever's immunity.
Could they be something realy init and as anyone else noticed a absent of fever hot sweats when have infection.
Hear is read ITs about hot sweats curing cancer and virus