Thought it was going to be just another nothingy day,hadnt slept at all.Sat in bed took meds and puffers and debated do i continue to try and sleep or get up.It was 9 if I did nod off it would be 3 before I got up.On the other hand if I got up Im likely to have the coughs all day because of no sleep! Decision made get up Jane so I did.Started my coffee and yuk tasted like tea which I used to love but no longer dont know why ,how strange thought i was going dolally so made another nah no likey.Ok on to juice tasted as it should good,tastebuds must be up the wall?Then I opened my curtains and whoosh rays of blinding sunlight shot through wow! Then I had a little chuckle to myself remembering lots of you on here saying about the vit D from the sun and wondered if there were loads of us thinking "catch those rays today" so I parked my chair by the open doors sunglasses on and soaked up the warming rays of sun ,eyes closed so as not to look at fallen fences and the newly laid felt which was peeling off like a banana ! mmm I couldve been sitting on a balcony listening to the waves lapping the shore line very nice indeed,then Bailey had a flea up his bum and was tugging my jimjams daring me to get him and play he leapt about like a spring lamb funny little thing he is,sniffing around at the back of the garden another dog barked! Bailey jumped out of his skin,so brave, not, started to scream and at the speed of light flew into the house screeching all the way you'd have thought he was being attacked,he was so scared he had somehow dislodged the base boards under kitchen units and was hiding underneath bless him.I wonder what that was about no idea bless him.
After that swept and washed floors put washing on changed Bailey's bed washed it all and Fudge his lovey bear.did all the kitchen.,cleaned the bathroom which is downstairs,then cooked roast beef mmm very yum it was to.Getting all workeyfied very unlike me especially on no sleep.Was going to go out on gertie but I was working my little fingers to the bone A very satisfying day ive achieved lots and the sun shone throughout the day allowing all doors and windows open.
Just an ordinary day but one I just happened to enjoy more than others.Hope you have all enjoyed this sunny sunday?
A smile a day helps us work rest and play. Janexx