My day started just like any other really watching my husband taking his housework duties very seriously whilst dodging the dust and then throttling the hoover because it wouldn't work lol, oh yes a good day. I had this sore throat for a couple of days and New I was heading for another emergency pack, plus my chest was playing up as well. My son turned up with the girls and we were getting ready to watch britains got talent when I needed to use the toilet, so I hurried myself there and started to get really breathless, by the time I got up and into my wheelchair I just couldn't breath and I was scared. We all know these feelings don't we, I shouted out and my husband was straight there and got me through it. But the look on their little faces was aweful bless em they don't understand, my son was his usual understanding self and even though I know he means it bless him, the kids faces upset me a lot. Well I learnt a lesson from it, rushing is the worse thing for breathlessness, and I need to explain things in a child like way to the grandkids. Stay well my BLF friends. 👀

Oh Stumpy how awful for you. I hope you can explain to the grandkids how things are.
Take it easy and feel better. Love and hugs. Xxx 💖💕💖💕💖
Hi Stumpy sorry you were taken scares the children I know and is worth explaining to them. They understand and worry more than we realise. I hope you feel better soon...xx
Thankyou breatheasy1, I didn't think about a situation like that before with grandkids, but I will now. Thankyou, I hope you are keeping well. ✋️😉xx
Every day's a new day Stumpy and for that I am grateful 😊. I have a little break between chemos now so should start to pick up, thanks for asking. Take care xx
Oh Stumpy you do get into some 'pickles' now and again,glad that all was resolved and you are back to your cheeky self.take it steady young ski;s and scruff's x
Thankyou Skiss, I like the YOUNG LADY BIT oh yes that suits me. I learnt a lesson there Skiss. My husbands lack of cleanliness I can take ha!ha!but upsetting the grandkids is not exceptable . Nice to hear from you Skiss, and I hope you are keeping well my friend, love to the CAT 🐱xx
the grandkids with a little explanation from grandma and a big cuddle will be just fine,i imagine you are due some granny treats coming your way very soon from the cherubs.xx
What an awful experience for you, pleased you're feeling better. Children are very resilient. Look after yourself. Lilian xxxxxx
Thankyou Lilian, yes children are resilient your right, but I never thought they would see me like that, I always like to have fun with the grandkids, lots of laughter. It has made me think more. I hope you are well Lilian? Take care 💐xx
Hi what an upsetting experience for you and the grandkids. I agree that if you explain to the children in a way they can understand they will get it. Being kids they will probably think it's their fault and need reassurance it's not. Glad you are feeling better now. x
That is awful Stumpy55 . You're right, rushing is very bad for us. Take it easy. xx 💕
Awful for you and your grandchildren, I am sure they will understand you weren't feeling very well. Take care x
Oh Stumpy, how upsetting for you. Hope you are feeling a lot better take care. Majt 🌻

Hello Majt Thankyou and yes I'me feeling a lot better now, I feel very tired and shaky which is normal after those attacks as we all know, but onwards and upwards eh. I will have a chat with grandkids about it so if they are here next time it happens they are aware. Take care Majt ✋️😉xx
I have two grandchildren Stumpy, Skkye 7 and Bert 9. Hubby and myself have looked after them since they were both born so they both have been with me when I have had several attacks and as the disease has progressed and when some of the symptoms started to get more pronounced and I had to use my oxygen for longer 24/7 now we decided to sit down show them all the paraphernalia and how it works and why I needed it. Now its just part of their life on Wed, Thurs and Fri, if I have an attack one of them will pop their head around the door and yell ok nanny if they get an ok back they are off and playing, otherwise they bring my handbag and I use my inhaler or portable nebuliser. It does not freak them out and because they know what is going on they don't panic.
It's amazing what youngsters can understand and act upon. I started with what happens when I cough and get breathless and can't speak properly.
If you make sound like its part of your everyday life and nothing to worry about they will feel more secure.
Hello bayleyray, I do admire you very much and will follow your advice, Thankyou. My grandchildren have all seen me on my nebuliser many times and are use to that, but have never seen me have an attack before and that's what shook them. But I will talk with them in a childlike manner so they understand . I hope you are coping 🌹xx
Oh dear- but you know those little ones were concerned for you in their own way and as they get older they will fully understand your difficulties. Despite all keep cheerful and never give up.
Oh Stumpy what a scare for you and for the little ones, they will Im sure understand once explained. I do hope you are feeling better now. Take care Irene x
Hello Irene, yes it was a scare, to have an attack is scary on its own as you know, but infront of grandkids was aweful. I thought I was seeing them today but it's tomorrow and my son said about a Chinese takeaway, so I will choose the right moment for a little chat. Thankyou Irene and I hope you are keeping yourself well ? 🌹xx