Well finally, after waiting 9 months, I've had a reply and been awarded the lower mobility component of PIP. I have to say that I'm amazed actually, as everything I've read about it left me thinking I'd probably get nothing. It's not a fortune (£21 a week), but we all know that every penny helps, and it entitles me to other help such as free prescriptions etc. I'm also entitled to claim a 50% road tax reduction. As it's been back-dated to June 2013, do you think I would be entitled to a refund of the prepaid prescription and road tax that I've already paid?
PIP Award: Well finally, after waiting... - Lung Conditions C...
PIP Award

Well done. I have been waiting since July 2013 and have heard nothing. Not even a date for a medical - my MP hasn't heard anything.
I am really pleased you have managed to get something. I keep thinking about apllying but just haven't bothered as I could do without the hassle. best wishes irene
Evening Squidgeum, Pleased you have been awarded pip, they certainly take their time. I'm still waiting. Applied last July and had Medical assessment at home last October, still no word, they certainly don't rush. Nannyb xx
Well done on your success Squidgeum,Its a nightmare all of it.Yes it all helps every last penny of what we get for sure.Sorry I dont know the answers re car and what have you,Im sure someone else will be by shortly.Takecare Janexx
I get PIP or when it was DLA and I was told apart from car tax and I get a free bus pass it doesn't entitle me to anything else, I still pay for my prescriptions.
Hi kimmy59 have you checked with the CAB to see that you are getting all the benefits that you are entitled to
Morning. When I was awarded DLA I was still working that was last August and it was back dated so I've never claimed benefits, I gave up work in December. My husband had already had a heart attack he gets contribution based ESA, we were told to reapply for ESA for both of us but the form is like war and peace so we haven't done it yet. Fingers crossed my husband can go back to work very soon.
squidgeum, that's good news that you got some PIP, not sure about refunds on prescriptions but worth contacting the department that does it the number should be on your paperwork for prepayment. Car tax you should get some refund but get in there quick because the longer you wait the less it will be Good luck
Squidgeum, I'm so glad you have this benefit sorted.I don't anything about refund, but as others said, enquire, even at the department that delivered you the PIP. They usually have some refunds available, better ask them!
fortunately, I've just reached 65 years old, so I shall get Severe Disablement allowance, but no DLA any more, not after 65 yeas old! The government thinks you don't need this after 65 years old. I'm waiting to see if I'm eligible for Pension Credit. I hope it will be the end of these forms for you. Celebrate!
congratulations I'm still waiting to hear about my esa I was turned down for dla three weeks ago it took them from june 2013