is anyone on here on a nebulizer
nebulizer: is anyone on here on a... - Lung Conditions C...
Yes I am. What would you like to know? Sue
Yes use it for bronchodilator followed by hypertonic saline before doing physio once a day or more if I have infection.
Yes I am. Salbutamol up to 4 times a day - difficult when working and Colomycin twice a day. Had to buy my own as the local NHS wouldn't give me one or even lend me one.
This shows the unevenness of provision across the country. I always get a nebuliser from our community respiratory team when i have an infection. They are very expensive and i understand why the NHS can't give them out, but at least you should have been able to borrow one.
Yes I use one when I am unwell, it gets the salbutamol into the system better than the inhaler. Use it when needed up to 4 times a day, bought mine years ago against gp advice at the time but so glad I did. It's what they automatically put you on if you go into hospital.
Hi. yes I'm on a nebulizer for salbutamol twice a day and saline hypertonic 7% once. My clinic gave me mine and swapped it when I reported that it didn't work properly with strict instructions to return the faulty one. They are very precious and there are different types, the one I use now is quite small compared to the one I started with which was about the size of a loaf of bread. Take care. Lizzy.
Yes I bought myself one with the ok from my GP who provides salbutamol for use 4 times daily. I only use it during bad breathless times and find it comforting knowing I have it there should the need arise.
Fine thanks Stitch, still huffing and puffing wishing I could do more but thats life eh. Ive been keeping my eye on you marra !!!
Pete uses his nebulizer twice a day for his three lots of medication. He is very happy with it and owns his own as the Brompton one gave up so will be given back to them in April. xx