hubby has had this for about 6 days now, heat and the creams you rub in do nothing, GP says it is a muscle spasm which will go away eventually and to exercise it. Anybody have any other ideas of what we can do to relieve the pain please
Stiff painful neck: hubby has had this... - Lung Conditions C...
Stiff painful neck

I had a similar thing happen to me a few months ago, after about 2 weeks of resting, there was little improvement. Out of desperation I tried exercising with my stretchy elastic bands and it worked. The pain and stiffness was gone within a few days. Paracetamol helped ease the pain and inflammation too.
Maybe try a chiropractor. It helped me and my son.
osteopath if you can afford it? They would say place alternate heat pad and ice pack on the area. Very gentle stretching execises, ibrufen if you can take it (I cant so it's paracetamol). Gently massage the area.
I've been doing this for a few weeks for whiplash due to car prang in mid Sept.
Good luck with it, peeg
Thanks all, think on Monday I will call our local hospice as they have an excellent physio there and I will try and get him in there for a massage. Even with heat, painkillers and gentle massage (does putting my hands round his throat count?) it is not easing that much.
Arnica can help for easing muscle pain. I do sympathise with him AND you just smile !! Hope it eases for him TAD xx
i had a very painfull neck ended up going to Doc gave me volterol cream and co codamol after a week i was getting no better in fact worse sent for x-ray said it was the nerve endings so put on amytripline which helped right away and still on it olso sent to physio who gave me gentle exercise but said she could do no more it would take up to a year to get better hope it is not this for you but if i was not getting better it would be back to Docs.
The gentle stretching worked for me along with rubbing in anti inflammatory gel. When if was really bad I used to stand in the shower and let the hot water run down on it once the muscles were warm I found the stretching easier to do. I still do the stretches now if I feel my neck getting tight it's always the same side that troubles me..
I have the same problem. I always keep a jar of Tiger Balm. Along with gentle stretching should help.
Have made him an appointment with the hospice physio for tomorrow, I have also been keeping the heat on it and giving him co-codamol and it seems slightly easier. Thanks everyone for your comments and help.
I have this too, it is extremely painful and feels like a knife sticking into the back of my neck.I have had three sessions with an osteopath but it hasn't helped.I am now waiting for physio in the meantime I use Balmosa cream which is for chilblains but really helps. I also take paracetamol. I see lots take co codamol but I didn't think codeine should be used if you have lung disease. Any comments please? I also exercise but until I get to physio I am not sure I am doing the right ones .
Thanks everyone. Enjoy the sunny day.
Lustre xxx
Neck pain is such a problem to cure as you have so many nerves running up and down. If you are getting the long line pain running over the head try pressure on the slightly protruding bones at the base of the skull either side. If it is either side of the neck its self, try tipping your head to touch your shoulders from side to side. If it is the base near shoulders rotate shoulders and move head forward and back. It has been found that pain on one side is because of the inflammation of the nerve on the opposite side and the muscle is going into spasm to compensate. So always try to massage both sides of the problem.
Be Well
your doc most prob is right because i get this its when your breathing is bad you tend to stiffen up to try and breath better try a few little excercises just sit put your very slowly from side to side 10 each side loosening u up it will help or wrap a thin scarf round area keep it warm tk care