Hi all you lovely people, and straight to the point, my endoscopy went as well as that can, a very long wait, then a very quick procedure, and then the results. Whoopee hooray eureka and all the other words to celebrate, not a bloody thing wrong, all clear, and I even have three pictures of my inside now, might even pop them in a nice frame. Yeah, as I have a nice frame now, after taking a picture of some lowlife scumbag out and throwing it in the bin befor I left today for hospital. Thanks for all your kind words of support, kept reading them while I waited the two hours to be seen. After it was all over I went for food, lots of it, as I had been nearly nine hours without, boy was I hungry.
Befor I go now I must tell you my thoughts after today. Having an endoscopy is now on my top ten list of things I would rather not do again, and defiantly on the the list of don't put that in my mouth. Ha ha
Cheers to you all, going for a wee drink now, and will raise my glass to all of us just because I can. June xx