6 minute walk test...: Are you supposed... - Lung Conditions C...

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6 minute walk test...

16 Replies

Are you supposed to push yourself as hard as possible or just walk at a steady pace you feel comfortable at?


Marie x

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16 Replies

Is this PR?? == annieseedx

Lillytan profile image

That's a good question Marie, to which I have no answer as I'm waiting to have mine...but I would think it would be at a normal pace you are comfortable with! When my consultant wanted to check my sats last week he put the oxymeter on my finger and said "Follow me" I tried to keep up with him as we walked (quickly ) along the corridor, yelling out my sats as they drop one step after another,... This was enough to convince him I needed ambulatory oxygen...so it was faster than I would have walked without sneakers, but not so fast that I felt out of my depth! Don't know if this helps but I'm sure someone with knowledge will be here to tell you (and me) soon!

weeannie60 profile image

hi marie you walk at your normal pace i had mine last week you just walk and they will moniter you hope this helps make you feel better tc anna x

libby7827 profile image

Hi Marie, you just walk at a pace you feel comfortable with. Libby

libby7827 profile image
libby7827 in reply to libby7827

Ha ha, we all answered at once!

Yorkshireman profile image

Hi Marie - the way they explained it to me was that I needed to walk as quickly as I could whilst still being able to hold a conversation albeit a breathless one. They did not want me to get so out of breath that i couldn't talk. I assume this is PR - good luck with it. I got a lot out of it. I think the old adage is true - you get out of it what you put in :) Just don't overdo it.

scrobbitty profile image

For the initial assessment just walk at a pace that is comfortable. They use your first result as a guideline to see how far you have progressed afterwards. If you go hard on the first one - they would expect to see you push even harder afterwards! They will measure your sats and pulse on completion and then check to see how quickly you recover. :) xx

martin1945 profile image

The distance you are able to walk within the alloted time is important in determining your exercise ability, whilst having regard to your SATS. A "healthy" person can typically cover a distance of more than 500 metres in 6 minutes, whereas we COPDers usually are able to cover considerable less (I can cover about 400 metres at which time my SATS are 89-90%. Not sure anyone has said that the ability to hold a conversation, albeit breathless is a factor in the test. Stay well. Martin


Thanks. No this isn't for PR. My consultant has asked for me to do it. I had one back in October which was fine but I just sort of ambled, 302 metres is what I managed. I'm confident I can get it up to 400-450m if I push on a bit but it will make me more tired.

I'll make sure I check with the person doing the test.

Marie x

O2Trees profile image

I've done 6 min walk test both at my consultants and at PR. Seems we are all getting various different instructions as to how to do it. Ive always gone as fast as possible and despite Stage 3 COPD i can manage over 500. Im PLB-ing like a steam train and couldnt possibly hold a conversation which is apparent, but the respiratory physio has never told me to slow down.

6 min walk tests are one of the four components of the BODE INDEX. This is a more reliable indicator of your health level and of mortality than FEV1 alone.

The four things measured are: FEV1, dyspnoea (breathlessness), 6 min walk test and Body Mass Index.

This links explains it:


hi marie I had my walk on Tuesday,they put a chair in the middle of the hall u walk up to the chair turn around and walk to the other chair at the wall do it for 3 minuts then another 3 minuts at ur pace soon pasted I was a bit dizzy mind walking up an down but went qik the time then ad a chat ad oxy read was ok

ptliverpool profile image

Does every one have this test? I never have. Maybe because the results of my last Spirometry test was better than the first one, so they are not doing any more of those tests. I am having a Scan on Monday though to see how my Bronchiectasis is getting on (or not) whatever the case may be.

I am up and down at the moment as the consultant can't make up his mind. One time I am moderate next really mild? Take steroids, don't take steroids, I wish they would make up their minds. COPD, Asma, Bronchictasis Who knows?

I am just trying to get on with my life and enjoy this nice weather and forget it all :)

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend enjoying the weather :)

acky profile image

you are told to walk at a pace that you feel comfortable with and rest whenever you feel the need but i think it is built into everyone to do their best therefore you tend to push yourself and not take the rest option

dall05 profile image

Hi Marie, I always set a steady pace for the 1st 300 metres then give it my all for the 2nd half.

What there looking for is how much your oxygen levels drop when exerting yourself. Recently I managed 480 metres off oxygen which was a new record distance for me but my oxy levels dropped to 74. This is why I'm still on the transplant list.

I'm pretty sure they want you to push yourself and cover the longest distance that is possible for you. There's not much point in doing the test if you take it too easy.

Tony xx

I have done the 6 Min. walk test, and the lovely Physio lady told me to walk at the quickest most comfortable pace I can manage with out getting distressed.

And to stop if I felt the need to. (Its not boot camp) My SATS at the start were 96% and 89% at the end. And I covered 490 meters.

Since then I have had a chest infection and ended up on two courses of antibiotics, and now on Prednisolone, so i didn't exercise for 2 months. When I got back on the treadmill i found i couldn't do any more than 3 kmh for 5 mins. at a time.

Prior to that I had built myself up to walk at 5.5 kmh for 45 mins. Drives it home to me the importance of persisting with the exercises. Keith :)

Nanny1086 profile image

My consultant asked me on my last visit if I'd ever done the walk test supervised at hospital ,I said no ,now he wants me to do the test ,is it a case of your speed on the treadmill or stamina going further ,? I just want to be prepared ,I go to o2 at my local gym and I manage 2 Kim in 28 minutes comfortably,

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