I was feeling quite ok and done just over 300 meters.
My first six minute walk test. - Lung Conditions C...
My first six minute walk test.

Yay Good for you well done. BBx
Well done Puff!
Not bad for someone with 27% lung function ! My blood/oxygen was 88% when I started then dropped to 82% by the end. It took me about 2 minutes to recover then it went up to 90% so I reckon this PR will do me some good. This was my first appointment with PR and it was the assessment. I hope this gives people some inspiration. I have a positive view on things and I'm sure that helps. As someone said on here don't let COPD rule you, you rule it !
Well done, I am sure the PR is going to do you some good and you will be in the right place to keep your sats monitored.
Enjoy living with COPD, a regular exercise routine is the next best thing to giving up the fags I reckon. Auntymary xx
Wooo woooo you go for it puff, well done x
It's made me feel better I'm still waiting for my PR, I do a little excerise every morning and I'm learning some breathing ones too and am looking into Tai Chi. So I hope to do as well as you when I finally get mine.
I've been looking at my local Tai Chi places as well.
Wow 300 metres well done that's brilliant there's hope for me yet I should have had my assessment at PR today (Wed) but I attended the BLF meet in Cardiff with our AMs' from Wales, so my first one will be Friday.
A positive attitude. We'll be running the London Marathon next year !
Good job
Well done you. I've got mine in a fortnight - dreading it.
Marie x
You'll be ok Marie. It's based around your own needs so no need to worry.