what would you do first? and how would you share it?
I know what I would do and my priority would be selfish I would find who was the worlds best lung expert and go and see them.
Over to you
what would you do first? and how would you share it?
I know what I would do and my priority would be selfish I would find who was the worlds best lung expert and go and see them.
Over to you
If I won the lottery I would set up 4 isa accounts for my grandchildren then I would find the best back and chest specialist for me
then I would take all my family on holiday
I think we'd all do the same JD, once that sorted out, get a new ticker, then I think I'd spend my time, Travelling
Depending on how much I got, sort my lungs out and then as many others as I could. Then travel this beautiful world and take in all the wonders. xx Got your bags packed?
Scrobbity I am shocked and appalled at your attitude, there is absoloutley no mention in your reply of buying into the worlds choccie supplies for me and you to share, are you slipping or what ???? lol x
Seriously I love your answer could you get some therapy for you poor cat though xxx
Oh no! you're right, where is the CHOCLIT?
Blimey, must be slipping! Either that or already have gathered in the entire supply - willing to share with the right people xx You're on my list and Koala too xx
About this cat. No. Beyond therapy that one. xx
Thank you xxxx
Oh goody Thanks! xxxxx
If i did the lottery , and by chance won I to would be selfish and try to get some good upto date medical advice, followed bya longish holiday then treats for the family including the great grand children.While I was away maybe someone could sort all the decor ect in my house (smiles)
Yes, travelling, definitely. Cure health issues then I'd buy a few more poodles of various sizes, buy a house or flat for a couple of friends who've got no money, charities, new laptop, swimming pool in the garden with a glass building for winter, build an extension and have a luxury gym put in, buy a few houses across the world, get a gardener to grow our food for us, get a chef, have a personal osteopath just for me, etc etc
Oh Jan, I think everyone on here would get their ailments seen to by the best specialists going. I'm quite content living where I am, but would be so much happier having the health to enjoy my life. Once I'd sorted out my health, I'd probably end up donation the vast majority of it to charity. It's not because I don't like money, it's the problems it seems to attract I find least appealing.
Sandra x x x
Like the rest of you, Family first, new house 2nd & hols thereafter, but I wouldn't bother finding lung doc or heart man/woman as I,m a firm believer the lives we have were meant to be & I can't see the point of fighting the inevitable,
But saying, that I would, without a doubt, try to make your lives easier in whatever way I could
SW, you said exactly what i was thinking! I think leave my lungs alone. They have been around for a very long time. A double lung transplant, no, serve them for someone younger.
I do not go to church but i know the local CE church is desperate for a parish hall. Any functions, they use the RC hall. So, I would give them a present.
Kids have enough money, so East of England helicopter ambulance service, BLF as well.
Keep smiling - love Annieseed xxx
I would share it around various charities that are important to me, and give some to the wonderful staff at my daughters care home, who are sadly underpaid for the hard and caring work they do. I would get a bigger house so I could get some more dogs preferably rescue dogs too. Would love to fund research into Autism, and would like to help people that are in danger of losing there homes because of the current economic crisis xxxx Julie
I wouldn't go mad. Small comfortable bungalow, take care of the kids and if I won enough, a new lifeboat for the RNLI. I don't need a lot. As long as I have enough to live without worrying then I have enough.
Bobby xxxx
New lungs top of the list,family second,British legion third then a damn good holiday,I love Switzerland,so that would be first stop.then diving in the Maldives
A nice compact garden flat for me, a property for my son, a nice carer who could help me optimise my health problems and cook some nice meals for me. The rest would take some very serious thinking about. Libby
I'd probably not look for a lung doctor. I'm fairly confident my consultants at the Freeman are pretty good!!
But I would see my family right, buy a new house. Jack in work, but a little bookshop in my local market town, but this would all be after I'd driven across the US with my best friend. I'd also get a Border Terrier for me and my mum to share.
I'd also make sure friends got a little something and set up a trust fund for nieces!
I might also hire a chef!
Lovely little dogs border terriers so much character, what a lovely gift for your mum.
WHEN I win the lotto ,I will...............................................be as long way from here.I shan't be buying a chocolate factory just to find jobs for all you chocaholics
Your daily tonic
Too late King me scrobbitty and koala already buying up all the chocolate factorys xx
I was going to buy one to put you all to work in Hee HEE
I've just watched a TV programme called 'Terror in the Air'. After watching that, any travelling I would do, if I won the lottery, would be in this country. No aeroplanes!!!!
I think that if I won lots and lots of money then I would give some to my son and to my family. I would tell my friends that I want to give them some money and they can have it now or when I die (hopefully they would opt for 'now').
Because I'm not too keen on cooking, but I love eating, I would employ a cook and because I hate - really hate - housework I would employ a housekeeper. I would, of course, pay them extremely well.
All in all, I would love to make lots of people really happy (I know that money doesn't equal happiness but it does help).
Perhaps renting a very bit hotel and inviting everyone on this forum to come to a dinner/dance would be a good idea. I would love to meet you all and thank you for being very kind to me.
Unfortunately, I don't do the lottery - maybe I should start.
Love and hugs to everyone
Hi Annec,what a great idea,please buy a ticket!!
I would love to set the Grandkids up, & would love to make a good contribution to Doctors with no borders,they do a wonderful job..
I'm happy enough with my home,but would love to be able to take off for hols,whenever I got the urge.There are also a few other charities I'd love to help.
As for the lungs,well I'm a bit like Annie & Sillywitch,what will be,will be!! xxx
I will send ambulances to all your homes to bring you to a health farm so we could have a party. Yaaaaaaa....
If I won the lottery I'd buy a new house for my daughter and a new one for me half way between where my son and daughter lives at the minute I spend a lot of time in the going to see them. I'd set up a trust fund for my grandkids and put some aside for future grandkids. I think I'd leave my lungs alone but would definitely go to St Thomas it's apparently the best Lupus hospital in the world. Then I would give some to the charities that are close to my heart. Mind you I don't think it's possible for me to win it cause I don't do it
Looking for a new lung doctor or specialist etc. had not even occurred to me, dah must be slow - but like others here family, friends, hospital where I was first treated, charities and causes first then making life comfortable and travel possible for Mum, dog and me. Simples.
- Health before wealth EVERY time folks,as you can't BUY it, as wisely observed by the late actor Patrick Swayzee shortly before he died of Cancer , saying, " Despite my wealth, this is one problem I can't buy my way out of , and its a bitter lesson to learn, I'de give the lot away to get shot of this awful disease " .......
I'd buy land and set up a wildlife sanctuary/hospital for this area (northants)