Six months ago the physio who comes to our house said that the Acapella would help my husband with his gunk and help him to cough it up, she said it would cost £70, we told her no problem anything to help would be great.
We did not hear from her or could contact her for weeks until she came to the house and said the Acapella was now free.
She asked the GP to do a prescription which was refused by the chemist as they said it was not free. The physio said it was and so did the respiratory team at the hospital. so the GP did another prescription, which was refused again.
I decided to go into the chemists myself and find out exactly what the problem was as no-one was taking it further. The chemist told me it had to be hand written and that is why it was being refused. I said why wasn't I told that four weeks ago when all this started.
I went to the GP myself, and asked for a hand-written prescription, took it back to the same chemist where it was refused again, I asked him if he was taking the mickey and enjoyed seeing me run backwards and forwards.
I rang the physio again and all she said was, oh, well you can't have it then can you., you will have to have something else.
This is what we are up against. I am sick to the back teeth of uncaring pratts.
I still do not know what is happening, as I do not know what that something else is' as the physio cannot be bothered to come and see us or even lift up the 'phone. When I ring the Respiratory team I am always told, she is in a meeting and will ring you back, she never does.
No-one gives a damn, I feel like making an official complaint about everyone concerned. I am 70 years old, and honestly do not know how people manage if they lived on their own, I am fit so can run around for my husband, but if I wasn't here, he couldn't do it, and would be totally neglected.
I thought the Respiratory Team was supposed to help you but not in this case.