on producing my appointment letter bus ticket and proof that I'm on benefits at the hospital transport office. the system probably changes from area to area but if you didn't know please check it out..........M
I don't know if it's news to anybody ... - Lung Conditions C...
I don't know if it's news to anybody else but I recently learned that I can claim a refund on my bus fares to and from hospital,

Yes, it's been like that for a long time, but they don't always tell you about it. Read more at nhs.uk/NHSEngland/Healthcos...
If you are admitted to hospital, you can also get transport home on your discharge you can get hospital transport provided, 8 am - 6 pm local health authority patient ambulance, after 6 pm - 8 am taxi local health authority pay, they won't tell you about it, but if you have no transport of your own or are unable to drive even if you have, they are obligated to provide it and arrange it for you, and don't let them con you into paying for it either, Same goes for out-patient app's as well. i have to use it regularly that's the only reason i know, it was costing me a fortune until i found out !!
I wish I'd known that when I had my stent done. I had to make my own way back for 25 miles the day after the op.
They said they would arrange transport. After waiting all morning and half the afternoon they decided to tell me there wasn't any.
I read this blog out of curiosity, the reason the transport rules are confusing is because it only applies to certain benefits usually income support. If you get certain disability benefits you have to pay for transport i.e taxis if you can't drive.Refunds of bus fare can be got if you hold anHC2 certificate on low income grounds, parking refunds are mainly for those on income support also. Sorry pension credit is another benefit that passports you to help with transport costs.Many of us have had experience of no transport being available following operations or accidents causing difficulty in using public transport, not least myself on more than one occassion.