Just got diagnosed with Non-Specific Interstitial Pneumonia (Cellular & Fibrotic), confusion has set in already. Nobody seem's to know about this condition in my area...
NSIP - Non-Specific Interstitial Pneu... - Lung Conditions C...
NSIP - Non-Specific Interstitial Pneumonia
Could be asbestos caused that BUT trying to pin doc's down is task inits self UNLESS you have worked in what medical
Profession like to term high risk occupation and for a life time.
So has my husband just been diagnosed with it. We would also be grateful to hear from others who have experience of handling this disease.
Although I was diagnosed with IPF I have noticed that my consultant also called it
Usual Interstitial Pneumonitis on a letter to a 3rd party once. This sounds very similar to your condition. Very confusing all round
My husband seems at least at the moment not to be getting any worse. I gather that the initial diagnosis (idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis) is more serious than NSIP) and that it is better NOT to treat the NSIP unless it progresses because the treatment is unpleasant. Does anyone know what sort of treatment that might be?
Hi, I emailed the BLF and they say telephone the helpline, will be doing that on monday, thanks.
Hi. My husband was diagnosed with IPF originally, then told it was NSIP. We joined a local IPF support group and it is very helpful. One month we have a talk usually by a health professional and every second is a social event, so we are getting to know people in similar situations. The BLF have some useful information they can give you too.
Does anyone know of support groups for bronchiectasis? I just want to learn what I can for myself. (I have bronchiectasis and my husband NSIP). I was diagnosed with bronchiectasis January 2015 and have just come down with another chest infection for which my GP gave me clarithromycin 500 mg for a week. It is making me feel AWFUL but if it does the trick I will be grateful. Scary to have this condition and find it hard to throw off infections. Has anyone tried Chinese herbal medicine?
my mother also have Non-specific interstitial pneumonia