Some of the little inclines where my breathing almost matches Tony's when he powers along on the inclines at his favourite walking area!
dall05 Tony this is where the heavy b... - Lung Conditions C...
dall05 Tony this is where the heavy breathing starts

Sounds a bit like me. To visit my mother in a care home within quarter of a mile of where I live has a railway bridge between us. I have to stop at least once sometimes twice to get over it but I still do it twice a week. I look at it as exercise. I only walk slowly but it gets my heart rate rises and I am breathless so I take it that this is a form of exercise which I try to do twice a week. I just wish my walk was as scenic.
How beautiful roll on summer when we can all get out in some fresh air x
How beautiful SuzI, it makes me long to be walking & PICNIC ING there. LoveMX
Thanks for your reply, i would love to be in Australia right now but as you say the heat can get a bit much on times nice to meet an Aussie xx
Another lovely view very pretty xxx
What a lovely spot.
Suz01 What a lovely place to walk through! As spring approaches, this must really be nice to go through. Nice you do this walk ... every day? Best wishes. Mic
Hi Mic,
Do hope you are doing well. How is the flute playing coming along? We have just entered Autumn though no one told whoever is in charge of the temperature. The past few days have been back to high summer! This pic is of part of our paddocks I did the walk everyday up until recently when I decided to make use of our beautiful beaches only 10 mins drive away. So now its half and half with one day a week off. Hugs Suz x
Hello,Am I going crazy(again) or is there a picture supposed to accompany this post?I have no picture. D.