................................Tease with these riddles
I have a little house in which Ilive all alone.
It has no doors or windows,and if I want to go out
I must break through the wall
*A chicken in an egg
There are four brothers in this world that were all born together.
The first runs and never wearies.
The second eats and is never full.
The third drinks and is always thirsty.
The forth sings a song that is never good.
A cloud is my mother,
the wind is my father,
my son is the cool stream
,and my daughter is the fruit of the land.
A rainbow is my bed,the
earth my final resting place,and
I'm the torment of man
Poke your fingers in my eyes and I will open wide my jaws
Linen cloth,quills or paper
My greedy lust devours them all
What is it which goes with a train,comes with a train
is of no use to a train and yet the train cannot go without it?
It stands on one leg with its heart in his head.
* A cabbage
It has been around for millions of years,but it is no more tham a month old
* The moon
As I went across the bridge,
I met a man with a load of wood
which was neither straight or crooked,
What kind of wood was it?
* Sawdust
What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
*Your name
What goes up the chimney down,
but can't go down the chimney up?
* An umbrella
What is it that you will break even when you name it?
What fastens two people yet touches only one?
* A wedding ring
What is it the more you take away the larger it becomes?
* A hole
I am the beginning of sorrow,and the end of sickness.
You cannot express happiness without me
yet I am in the midst of crosses.
I am always at risk but never in danger.
You may find me in the sun
But I am never out of darkness
*The letter S
What is put on a table,cut,but never eaten?
* A pack of cards
What holds water but is full of holes?
* A sponge
When one does not know what it is,then it is something,
but when one kows what it is,then it is nothing
*A riddle
It is something when you know what Breathe Easy is like
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