Another of my FB borrowings
Offensive I hope not- Funny I think so - Lung Conditions C...
Offensive I hope not- Funny I think so
LOL.... true, in his day there weren't that may obese people either, come to think of it.....
Maybe MacDonalds meals should come with a health warning???? x x
Totally agree nearest thing to fast food i remember is me running down the street with a bacon butty in me gob, cos i was late fir the Saturday pictures.
yes and the only people who got help with mobility problems had a three wheeler invalid carrage given to them .IT was when these were taken of the roads for saftey reasons that mobility allowance came in to force
These wee dell boy things were lethal,,but you here them coming,,,
My granddaughter cals them fatmobiles
Not offensive at all.
the invalid carrages i mean only had room for one person they had a thin hood that would be made of raincoat plastic they were popular after the second world war for those that had beeb injured
I remember seeing those carrages, there were a few driven round Wrexham!
Does this mean I,ve got to eat a lot more to get a chair damn n blast it xx
Well done Wrexham for reaching the play off final at Wembley and good luck.
If you eat plenty of Pukka Pies while watching football then you'll soon be fat enough for your own Chair.
A heart by- pass may come first though.
That,l be my baby brother,s thing! he was at Wembely for the last game & no doubt he,l go to this one, like he said you wait 100 years for a trip to Wembely & two come along at the same time
I,m a rugby girl myself, all those lovely lads & the nice tight shorts mmmmmmm chwarae teg they look grand xxxx
hope you keeping well
Karen & thanks
Well, there's always somebody that it is offensive to and I have to say I am one of them. I am fat yes, but it's not because I am fat that I have a mobility scooter or get D.L.A, it's because I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, Type 2 diabetes, Labyrinthitis, Tinitis and degenerative disc disease in my spine and have got 5 that have gone! So my mobility is severely effected and people should stop making judgments of others in mobility scooters or chairs because they're FAT!! Not all of us fat people eat all day long and sit around doing so, like some I know!!. My daughter who is almost 20 years old weighs 30 stone and her mobility is the cause of her eating far too much and doing nothing all day everyday. I try to exercise when I can, swim and do my shopping, walking round the shops isn't easy but I don't ALWAYS use my mobility scooter and it hurts me when people make judgments that they shouldn't!!!!