Hi, little back story
Roughly, 10 days ago I went to work, had a bit of a cold but feeling ok after an hour of being at work I had an asthma attack. Lucky for me I work in the hospital so went straight to a&e when it wouldn’t settle. Had nebulisers, steroids and blood tests and was sent home once it settled.
3 days later sat at home on the sofa after doing as I was told and resting I had another asthma attack but was having a really tight chest long story short my partner rang an ambulance and I was again taken to a&e there they stated I’d had another asthma attack but also diagnosed me with pneumonia, I was admitted in to the hospital where I was given regular nebs, Iv fluids and Iv antibiotics.
I stayed in hospital only for 3 days as I couldn’t take it, I had no sleep, it was so noisy and my anxiety was going crazy so they let me home admittedly earlier than they wanted I just wanted to be at home where I could rest in my own comforts.
2 days later I wasn’t getting any better so I spoke to my GP who again wanted me to be admitted but I wasn’t keen so we agreed on trying stronger antibiotics, more steroids and going from there.
Flash forward to now I am beginning to feel better I have just finished my antibiotics and I don’t feel “poorly” as such as in my chest and breathing feel better (I still have a cough as expected) but it’s like my body is way behind in terms of getting over this. I feel constantly exhausted, no energy at all and my whole body just hurts. I am trying to keep moving but it is completely taking any energy I have and then I just end up sleeping.
So to the point I am supposed to return to work next week and as I stated I work in the hospital doing 12 and half hour shifts, would you say it is too soon to return and is it acceptable to maybe ask for a sick note to give me longer to recover or will they think I’m just taking advantage? I know I still have a few days before I am due to return but as I feel now I can barely get through the morning without a nap never mind a 12 and half hour shift.
Any help/advice appreciated x