Hi there,
I’m a 49 year old lifelong asthmatic. Very well controlled with Montelulast and Singulair 200. Never use ventolin. BUT when I get a cold, cough, Covid it sets me in a downward spiral. This is where I am at the moment. Ventolin is used daily.
Had a cold toward end of Nov which went to my chest. Very mucky heavy chest with constant asthma. Was prescribed week of antibiotics plus prednisone for five days. I stopped steroids after 4 days as was flying to Barbados and thought I was better. Didn’t want the insomnia and jitters on holiday, but did finish the antibiotics.
Once in the humid hot air omg I could not breathe. Got very panicky and in summary I struggled all week. Ruined my holiday. Ventolin 6-8 times a day, gasping for air, coughing muck and light headed/ dizzy which I think was low oxygen.
Once home it improved as cooler air and was so busy hosting a big Xmas so struggled on slightly ignoring the fact I couldn’t breathe well and left side felt sore.
After Xmas saw GP as asthma still not good and heavy left lung. Given a week of antibiotics and emergency steroid pack. She mentioned possible pulmonary embolism on the plane, but I’m pretty confident this is asthma and residual inflammation.
Weird thing is peak flow good (420 which is normal), oxygen ok, pulse ok, blood pressure ok BUT I keep getting a tight chest. No wheeze just feel like I can’t breathe and get easily winded. Left side feels stiff and heavy.
should I try the prednisolone now? I’m normally really bad when I take them. This is different. Im fine most of day, but by the afternoon I’m tight chested and need lots of ventolin. Hate steroids, but think I might need to blast this once and for all. Any thoughts or advice?
Thank you X