Hi everyoneJust interested in opinions as I guess I'm feeling a little fed up. At the end of October I caught a nasty strep throat infection. Took 20 days of antibiotics to clear it( they had to change the antibiotic half way through) . Then at the beginning of December I had that terrible virus which turned into a bad chest infection. So had antibiotics and steroids. Well on Boxing Day I woke up feeling like my throat had shards of glass in it. Went to out of hours clinic the following day as I felt so awful and I've got a strep throat infection again( more antibiotics) I've never suffered so badly for years. Is this bad luck ?? or should I be asking doc for further checks. I'm worried that something might be compromising my immune system . Added to that I've lost a little weight. My appetite is fine and to be fair I am an avid dog walker. At the back of my mind , alarm bells are ringing.
Concerned. Is this just bad luck?? - Asthma Community ...
Concerned. Is this just bad luck??
Good morning to you. So sorry that you have had such a rough time. I am sure it seems never ending. I do know that the Winter months are certainly the worse for me with regards viruses etc. I do trust the Medical profession, but they are under such pressure. Not sure if I can offer to much advice, but be kind to yourself and accept your limitations while unwell.
Kind regards
If you are worried, it is always important to check things out.
Sounds like you definitely need some down time, keeping warm and lots of immune boosting food and vitamins and minerals. When you go outside make sure you wear a scarf or something similar to help you to breathe in warm air - a KN95 mask is actually good for that.
When the body fights an infection it uses a lot of nourishment. We can then go into a deficit. So you need to build yourself up more than normal.
Strep is a nasty infection and added to that getting another infection soon after would have interfered with your immune system.
Check out what would be beneficial to boost your immune system.
Wishing you all the best.
if you are worried seek help from your doctor. You know your body best. Winter time is dreadful for viruses and it is probably as simple as that but if you’re worried about weight loss too, it is not wasting anyone’s time to get it checked out.
Hi Wheezy 54, so sorry to hear how unwell you have been, it sounds like you and your body have been , and are still going through, tough times. If you are loosing weight unintentionally I would def consider seeing Yr GP to discuss and also discuss gut protection with all the antibiotics and steroids you have needed to take in recent months, if you haven't done so already. (Ie) probiotic or PPI meds etc )
Are you taking a daily Vit D supplement? Might be worth researching as a daily dose may be beneficial to you.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Take care and be kind to yourself.
A little weight loss isn't unusual when you are fighting off an infection because your body is using a lot of energy to do that. Also, I find that antibiotics tend to 'speed up' my body's digestive process, so I suspect I'm also not taking in as much nutrient from my food as normal. As for the repeated infections, there are so many bugs going around at the moment and once your immune system has been pulled down by one illness, you are much more prone to any other bugs, so it can be a bit of a vicious cycle. I've been poorly with one thing after another for the last couple of months, as have several other people I know. So it's not unusual. It's probably nothing to worry about, but any unexplained weight loss is always worth raising with your doctor, just in case. If nothing else, it might help set your mind at rest.