I intend on sending my mum to Turkey for Dental implant surgery. She has Asthma a pre-existing condition. I am trying to find her an insurance policy that will cover her in the (god forbid) eventuality that she has any problems during/after implant surgery.
Initially I found a company called Medical Travel Shield, who seemed perfect, until I saw that pre-existing conditions were not covered, despite the fact they had a fantastically comprehensive dental treatment insurance policy.
I have spent 20 hours and called 17 different insurers/brokers looking for somebody who will help me. Im feeling disheartened and really frustrated.
I need an insurance policy that will either
a) Cover for the pre-existing condition in the knowledge that she is going for implant surgery or
b) Cover for dental treatment that does to exclude asthma as a pre-existing condition.
I am sure I am not the only person who has gone through this, please can anybody help?