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Travel insurance and Asthma..

Bashsu01 profile image
55 Replies

Hya all,

Wondered if anyone has had insurance denied or price increased due to condition...

Im worried about going abroad on plane etc anyways as could the pressure etc on a plane affect someones asthma depending on the severity..!!

Answers would be nice as we are desperate for a holiday after cancellation of two holidays frm last year due to my condition and hospitalisation.

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Bashsu01 profile image
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55 Replies
Lysistrata profile image
LysistrataAdministratorCommunity Ambassador

Hi, some firms will not cover you and some will charge ridiculous prices, but it is possible to get a reasonable price even for the US and other expensive destinations insurance wise, if you shop around. Although it will never be as low with severe asthma as it would with mild or none.

I suggest using a specialist medical travel insurance comparison tool and always read the small print carefully- one called Insure and Go seemed good till I read the small print.

I always come back to GetGoing personally for my severe asthma - they will not insure me annually any more but thr per trip prices are reasonable and no nasty surprises. Never had to claim thankfully so can't comment on that.

Re rhe plane - I do have problems with the descent and I admit it is not fun while it lasts though I can usually get it to resolve eventually ie it hasn't yet turned into an admission on its own. I did have problems once after a bad descent and then a lot of stairs and having luggage. I thought I had recovered from the.descent but then had all that! You may want to ask for special assistance at the airport to avoid that scenario. I am resisting this though I think it would probably help me. I have travelled with a friend who has it for asthma and it ism't hard to book ie they never seem to ask for a million dr letters etc. You get lifts to the gate and help with luggage etc.

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to Lysistrata

Hya Lysistrata..

Many thanks for your post.. Learnt a lot, so in a nut shell its gunna be more expensive, harder to get cover and the journey will not be nice.. Ha..

Reckon i'll jst stop in British Isles frm now on..!!

No but thanks very much, i am nervous about the journey, we love Greece and its a four hour flight and very warm in the summer months...

I jst dont want to get poorly, as i feel it may be a bit early after diagnosis (Nov 17) and its still uncontrolled really, even with injections inhalers steroid tabs etc..

So thankyou i will take your advice on board..

Thank you..


eachy profile image

Am in the exact same boat, desperately want a family holiday in the warm but am struggling to get my head round it all and the confidence...sorry can’t be any more help other than you are not alone!

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to eachy

Cheers Eachy,

Strangely makes me feel better to kno i'm not alone..!!


Kate261 profile image

I hope you can get abroad, I have bad asthma but haven’t felt better than when I was in the sun and by the sea in Gran Canaria for a week last year. Could do you the world of good!

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to Kate261

Thanks Kate,

Yeh i have been told going to sunnier climbs can do wonders for asthma,

Im jst a bit jittery about it yet as i have been so bloody poorly last 6 mnths that i dont want to go away and go backwards with my condition etc..

But yeh maybe biting the bullet and jst going and see how things pan out maybe the answer..

Weil see...!!


Kate261 profile image
Kate261 in reply to Bashsu01

That’s completely understandable, maybe keeping the journey as short as you can might also help? Malta and gozo and Mallorca aren’t a long journey and all lovely too :)


Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to Kate261


Thats my thinking jst a couple of hours anywhere will be fine i reckon..!!

But camping season coming up soon so itll be a holiday to cornwall first..!!



chrissie49 profile image


Have you been diagnosed with severe asthma?

Mine is not severe but I do end up in A&E with flare ups. I travel every year to California and apart from the one year when I was admitted to hospital and my insurance doubled, I pay the same as anyone else for annual insurance with Insure and Go. Yes you have to answer a lot of extra questions because of the asthma. There is assistance at the airport if required. Never found the cabin pressure a problem with Virgin Atlantic.

However, when flying to Europe I have experienced problems with cabin pressure and this has usually been on the return flight with Easyjet or Ryanair but not with British Airways.

The warmer climate is definitely better. Hope this helps.

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to chrissie49

Hya Chrissie,

Thanx for gettin in touch..

Yeh apparently its been diagnosed as quite severe...

It looks like best to shop around and speak to someone not to jst go on an internet site and fill in drop down boxes..

Thankyou, ill be takin a trip this year...


chrissie49 profile image
chrissie49 in reply to Bashsu01

Yes Bash - best not to apply for insurance online. I always apply on the telephone. You get the chance to ask those important questions and speak with your GP or consultant for advice. Make sure you have all your meds in your hand luggage and most importantly enjoy your holiday.


Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to chrissie49

Thanyou Chrissie..

Ill do that..!!

Apply by telephone and speak to my GP..!!



Clanmacbeath profile image

Hi. I have severe chronic asthma but still regularly go abroad. My happy place is Florida and my chest is always great while I'm over there. I have never had an issue with my asthma during a flight that I would say was caused due to flying. I take my meds as prescribed and only fly if I'm well enough. had to cancel a few holidays over the years but its better to be safe. Cabin pressure doesn't affect me any differently now to when I didn't have asthma many years ago. As for insurance, it does cost more but if you shop around it can be found. I'm happy to pay for peace of mind. I try not to let my asthma win. It may be chronic and at times it can be debilitating but I refuse to let it ruin my life. I live for my holidays and I always find a good dose of sunshine does me the world of good. I just wish I could get it on prescription!

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to Clanmacbeath

Hya Clanmacbeath..

Ive gotta say well done you are not goin to let it beat you, can i ask, how long have you suffered, and how long was it before you started to feel it was comin under control..

Like ive said in earlier posts abs brand new to this condition up until diagnosis last November and i was fully fit, work... sports.. Family etc them wham, hospital, pneumonia x2 bouts, and that was it, diagnosed with something called eosinophilic asthma..

But eh gotta get on with it and not let it win like you say..

I will do like your great advice has said and see what happens..


Clanmacbeath profile image
Clanmacbeath in reply to Bashsu01

Hi. I like you was perfectly fit and healthy until catching a chest infection which just wouldn't go. Ended up with bronchitis and very poorly for a few weeks. It came out if the blue and knocked me sideways. It took me a couple of years to adjust to my new life and at times i found the changes difficult, but im still here and determind to take control. My asthma has never really been under control since diagnoses which was about 14 years ago now. It's been a rough ride at times but I'll fight it all the way! I too have eosinophilic asthma and have just had my second mepolizumab injection on Friday. I'm hoping this new treatment will work for me. It's not always easy to be positive when life throws you a curve ball, but I do find that adjusting life doesn't mean giving up on it. I try to do the things I have always enjoyed just at a slower pace. Do what makes you happy, find ways to enjoy your life and remember the warmer weather normally makes most of us wheezy souls feel loads better. Maybe you could speak to your doctor about a portable nebuliser just for holidays? That way you will have meds with you and will be able to fly without too much stress. Xx

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to Clanmacbeath

Hya Clanmacbeath...

So strange that i have jst been diagnosed with eosinophilic and seem to be further down the line,ie injections etc..

My nxt one in April in a couple of fridays time will be my 5th injection in total, and my thoughts so far is.. Is it making a difference yet??

Yes and no maybe at the moment.. Its very mixed, abs no difference first 2 mnths then nxt two yeh symptoms seemed to waine, my last one was really great felt like my old self, no wheeze,cough, peak flow abs brilliant yeh its wrking finally then had my last injection 23 march, decided to play round golf that i love, on the sunday and BAM since then all down hill again, soooo what do you do?

Anyways hope yours goes better and you start seeing results soon..


Wheezycat profile image

I don’t have severe asthma, like so many on here, but it is certainly something I can never put to one side. I notice it daily. Now nearly two years ago I had my first - and, hopefully only - admission to hospital for a few days, and that was just 3 weeks before we were off on holidays (in north Sweden, where I go regularly. Summers there often very balmy, warm and lovely, but never guaranteed.) I was shocked how it affected my travel insurance, Insure and Go annual, that Lysistrata mentions above (I wonder what she noticed in the small print?....) After a lot of ringing around and checking, we stuck to what we had as it would be better in the long run, but that year it wasn’t good. One year later, more than 365 days after that admission, it came down quite a lot again. As for flights, they haven’t affected me, but as said I am not severe. Or brittle.

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to Wheezycat

Hi wheezycat..

Yeh asthma is i think bad enough without calling it severe etc..

Everyone who suffers have to make life decisions everyday ive found out now since diagnosis, you had to have an admission.. Thats serious so dont think mine or anyone elses asthma is more severe than yours will you..

Great advice about travel insurance, ive had two admissions in last year frm end of August 17 before the specialists

knew what was wrong..

Im away end of September 18 so would it be best to start looking for insurance after the August anniversary date..?

I kno ill have one admission to declare but at least ill have a better understanding of what to say..!!



Wheezycat profile image
Wheezycat in reply to Bashsu01

If possible I would definitely wait until 365 days have passed. Your quote could drop significantLyn. You can of course check all prices and co diction’s before.

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to Wheezycat

Yeh think i will do..


WHOA profile image

Remember in Europe you have EHIC which is like a nhs card in europe. So this covers existing conditions. Most insurance health do not cover pre-existing conditions like asthma. In Europe you would be fine but elsewhere need to check insurance policies.

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to WHOA

Cheers WHOA..

Brilliant advice, yeh had an EHIC card for years but luckily never used it..!!

So majority of insurance companies dont cover pre-existing conditions. Didnt know that..!!

Wont be going further than Europe for a couple years anyways so should be fine..

Hope itll stay same after Brexit..!!


Superzob profile image
Superzob in reply to Bashsu01

The EHIC card is a reciprocal arrangement to get what is effectively NHS treatment in Europe - it's not the same as travel insurance, which also includes getting you back home (nice as I am sure European hospitals are, I don't imagine you want to get stuck in one because you can't afford to fly home!). I have several chronic conditions and have always used to compare insurance quotes. I often find two conditions make little difference to the premium, but additional ones tend to. It also depends how bad you are - if you've been hospitalised, then that will cause a hike in premiums, or refusal of cover. It all depends on the insurer and how they view your condition(s), but don't get put off by statements that NO insurer will cover you or that the premium will necessarily be prohibitive. That's where price comparison websites score and Moneysupermarket has, in my opinion, the best system for recording existing conditions and getting a true price comparison.

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to Superzob

Hya superzob..

Yeh i will take ya advice and hsve a good look on money supermarket..



WHOA profile image
WHOA in reply to Bashsu01

i did not say not have travel insurance but EHIC will give you emergency cover in Europe anyway. I have severe asthma snd take both EHIC plus travel insurance. If I go to US Or worldwide would need to think about it more.

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to WHOA

Ok cheers will do..!!


Aisling30 profile image

Hi I live in Ireland every year i travel either to UK, Lanzarote or Spain. I always take out travel insurance. I always tell the Company. I have had asthma since childhood so it only costs a couple of euro extra. Flying does not affect my asthma just my ears and i can get slight vertigo on landing. You are quite safe on a plane - take your inhaler just in case and your reliever but you will be fine i am sure

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to Aisling30

Hi Aisling30..

Many thanks for the good advice, i will do..!

Aisling30 profile image

Sorry i always insure with Insure and Go. If your going to a sunny dry climate your asthma will improve. Some days i can hardly walk here but yet in Lanzarote I can walk for miles. I am thinking if I win the lotto i woukd spend all the winter months in a dry warm climate and come back for the summer. You will be amazed at how good you feel!

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to Aisling30

Yeh insure and go have been mentioned quite a few times, i will give them a call when im ready..!!

Hope the warmer climate does the trick..!!



WrenJen profile image

Hi there I went to Florida about 6 months after first being diagnosed (2016). I was so nervous about the flight but found all ok. Did feel a bit tight cheated at first but think that may have been anxiety. I drink licorice tea when I get that feeling. Was suggested by someone on this forum as helping to open the airways. Who knows but it works for me! I also started acupuncture a year ago and it has given me my life back. Again doesn’t help everyone but I was at the stage I would try anything as life was on hold! Hope you get something sorted. I am still nervous of flying and the thought of booking something for this year is worrying me but as others have said the benefits for the soul can be massive. Take care 😀

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to WrenJen

Hya, thats a problem for me with my tight chest, i reckon its anxiety..!!

I read that liqourice is good for Asthma, and i have had acupuncture b4 after a biking accident.. Was ok 1st session but no benefit afta i found..

Very nervous about booking something yet but ill get over that as i will not let it take over my life..!!



FlyJesus58 profile image
FlyJesus58 in reply to WrenJen

Nice, I'd like to try licorice tea. Though I'm hooked on Salted Carmel, but I will have to let that go for now. Thank for passing on this info

Wheezycat profile image
Wheezycat in reply to WrenJen

Just want to add to this re licourice: for some people, and I am one, it can affect blood pressure, causing it to rise. Great if it works for asthma, but if used regularly then keep an eye on your blood pressure.

WrenJen profile image
WrenJen in reply to Wheezycat

Yes definitely it says on packaging to drink no more than one cup a day for that reason. Thanks for adding to my post

FlyJesus58 profile image

I live in the states in California, I've never heard of this before. Wow, those ins. companies are getting ruthless

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to FlyJesus58

Hey flyjesus..

Insurance cant live with them cant live without them,

Very expensive word "IF"



FlyJesus58 profile image
FlyJesus58 in reply to Bashsu01

You got that right, can I pray for you over your hands and other issue. I like to ask cause not everyone believes, as I don't want to offend anyone

FlyJesus58 profile image
FlyJesus58 in reply to Bashsu01

Whoops, I apologize. I was answering another person about her hands getting hot, sorry. I would like to pray over your asthma if that's ok

Lysistrata profile image
LysistrataAdministratorCommunity Ambassador

Hi sorry if I was cryptic about Insure and Go. Basically they seemed good and would provide a quote for my severe asthma. However when I read the small print, it seemed to say that even after declaring my asthma fully, they would not cover me for anything at all if I had seen anyone at hospital for more than a check up in the last year (think it was a year). They didn't really define what that was but I judged it was too risky as they could easily say that seeing my asthma nurse when I get worse counts.

Basically it seemed like a get out clause for them even when I had declared my asthma including admissions, and other companies like GetGoing did not have it. This is why I advise reading the small print as they seemed fine until I saw that.

The pressure on planes seems to affect people differently so crossed fingers you may not notice it! I am very sensitive to weather and pressure changes there which may be why. I also find the right climate abroad can help my lungs. I did however try to avoid taking a job with a lot of flying.

Wheezycat profile image
Wheezycat in reply to Lysistrata

Thank you, Lysistrata, I must double check on this. So far it has been OK, but I want to be sure I have cover. But then again, my issue is nowhere as bad as yours.

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to Lysistrata

Ok lysistrata,

Good advice, ive learnt a lot frm all the advice ive recd...

Appreciate it..!!


Abc64 profile image

I had similar experience last year. Either really expensive, or wouldn’t cover me. An aquaintence said that I should try a broker. I called who they suggested and got a great deal. As it was only about six pounds difference between one trip and a year, I got a year’s insurance for around £56.

When I tried to get insurance before the broker. The cheapest one was£175 for a week. Some people wouldn’t even insure me. You think that supermarket and post office insurance are going to be cheaper, but, in my case, I found the opposite to be the case.

Hope this helps.

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to Abc64

So it sounds like.. try a broker first before trying the big guns..!!

Good advice



Abc64 profile image
Abc64 in reply to Bashsu01

I used B insured, but I expect there are several brokers who would sort it for you.

Jmackay profile image

I use all clear, I have a few issues as well as brittle asthma and the always insure me :)

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to Jmackay

Hya Jmackay..

Can you be more specific 'all clear'?

Are they a british insurance broker etc as ive not heard of them b4..



predgirl profile image

Hi I have eosinophilic asthma and last year I went to florida. I had been in and out of hospital a number of time. You need to check with your Dr that your fit to fly. I also found that insurancewith were really good

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to predgirl

Hello predgirl..

Firstly how are you coping with eosinophilic?

I found its so uncontrollable at the mo but was only diagnosed in November last year and started my unjections the nxt mnth..

Yeh defo gunna check with my GP b4 i book anything b4 going abroad..!!

When ready insurancewith?

I will give them a ring...!!



predgirl profile image
predgirl in reply to Bashsu01

Hi Bashsu01

The Asthma ok at the moment but I am on Reslizumab injection.

Are you under a consultant or just GP?

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to predgirl

Yeh under consultant..!!

Got resp nurse tmorro for check up l, been on predisolone tabs for jst ova a wk as mine is a bit all over the place at mo.

Ive had 4 mepolizumab injections so far with mixd results really..!!


Gcoomber profile image

I have never been denied insurance, but have always had to pay between £5 (getting insurance from a company when already paying for cover) and £15 (getting 'free' through husband bank account, still cheaper in long run)

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to Gcoomber

Ok, thanx for advice..!!

Cheekychops60 profile image

I have Asthma and got my travel insurance with Columbus travel. You could try them for a quote.

Bashsu01 profile image
Bashsu01 in reply to Cheekychops60

Thank you will give them a try


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