Currently in bed coughing like an old church organ and despite taking the maximum dose of 8 puffs of Fostair 100/6 over the day, I cannot stop coughing. I know this is meant to be a preventer and a reliever but I don't feel very relieved 😔 My question is can I take a shot or two of blue inhaler? I can't get a GP appointment until after Christmas and I am so tired .... Thanks for any advice.
Asthma flare up after horrid flu virus - Asthma Community ...
Asthma flare up after horrid flu virus

Hi Padders, it sounds like the next step may be a trip to A&E or an ambulance?
I was told 8 puffs was maximum on mart and if I needed any more I was ok to take a further 6 but had to be seeking help at the same time. I was in a similar position to you a couple of weeks ago. It's not easy but if your struggling best to get checked.
Thanks - it's such a horrible disease - I appreciate you replying x
Is it definitely an asthma cough or might it be a flu symptom? My OH has been coughing non stop for a week with it and he doesn't have asthma. Just thinking whether it is worth asking your local pharmacist if they can recommend something if it's a flu cough.
It feels like asthma - I've no other symptoms now apart from this awful cough and wheezing. It usually morphs into an asthma flare up after any kind of respiratory infection and apart from this I feel relatively well. The shot of Ventolin has calmed it a little so I'm going to try and get some kip. Thanks for replying Mandeville x
I had this continuous cough following a cold, I also have severe pain from a herniated disc which obviously wasn’t helped by the coughing. My GP prescribed codeine on top of my other painkillers, codeine is used to suppress coughing as well as pain, it’s worked! My cough has virtually gone although I still have the back/sciatica pain unfortunately.
Interesting! I coughed all bloody night but haven't coughed once since I got up and hour ago! Bizarre 😂
tbh when I have a flare I find the mart method doesn’t work well enough and I go back to old faithful (Ventolin) for instant relief!
I hope you feel better soon.
I agree Lynneypin - I felt better after having a shot of Ventolin!
Just commiserations to you, I'm in bed having cancelled my trip to little grandchildren across the country. I too am on Fostair MART. I've been very lucky this time but was in your exact situation in Jan '23 and absolutely could not get through to GPs (39th in the queue several days running) so I had to add ventolin which helped opening airways & calm coughing. I'd coughed so much I vomited several times in bed. Looking back it was hell. My brain was muddled due to fever so I didn't think of calling 111 but lesson learned, I definitely will next time. They seem to have the power to contact your GP to get an appointment, you get a call back from a doctor and hopefully they could arrange antibiotics/steroids prescription for you. I'm so glad the ventolin has worked for you. T
Oh gosh - I feel for you. This is what happened to me in India last year and in the end I got a fabulous doctor who threw absolutely everything at me to clear the problem. My GP is adamant that they won't issue a 'rescue' pack of steroids and as these flare ups often seem to coincide over the Christmas holidays, it's very difficult to get a GP appointment and we know when our asthma has gone out of control. Your info re calling 111 is very useful so thank you and I hope you get to see your little grandchildren soon. Merry Christmas and get well soon x
Personally, I wouldn't hesitate to use my Ventolin in this situation. I use Fostair 100 but it doesn't clear asthma when it's bad, I find. You need that extra boost. I also use Ventolin every night before bed. My asthma nurse is fine with this. I have been using Ventolin for about 40 years and can't really grasp this fairly recent move to stop us using it! Not everyone can manage on combined inhalers alone especially when ill.
Thanks T1ggy - my Fostair never seems to be able to prevent a major flare up and I absolutely hate having to take prednisolone as I get so many horrible side effects. My next asthma check up is in January so I'm going to have a word with the nurse then

This sounds horrible Padders! As others have said, please do call 111 if needed (or if really struggling, 999 or A&E). I hope you feel better over Christmas and can enjoy what you have planned, but don't hesitate to get help if you're struggling.
I also often find I have asthma after a virus has gone, but it can sometimes be hard to persuade medics it is the asthma rather than viral symptoms.
It does sound like you need more clarity or a better plan for this kind of situation. It may be helpful to call the asthma nurses before your next asthma review on 0300 2225800. They're open till 3pm today if you wanted to ask them about your immediate situation, closed for a week, and then re-open on Thursday 2nd Jan as normal 9.15am-5pm. They can advise on what to ask in your review.
Thank you Lysistrata for your sound advice 😊
do you have antibiotics you can take?
Hi there - ended up calling 111 and I got a prednisolone 40mg 5 day course. Hopefully will feel better soon ☹️
how are you doing now Padders?
Thought of you as I’m sat up in bed having yet another ‘do’. X
Hi there! Feeling better - steroids kicking in now thank goodness! Had to resort to calling 111 who said it sounded like flu' which had exacerbated the asthma. Thankfully the little local pharmacy was open on Christmas Day. Sorry you're not feeling so good - hopefully you'll get some respite soon. Thanks for thinking of me x
Hope u feel better now yr taking salbutamol .get well soon x