Hi, I have an ongoing cough/phlegm problem which I hope to have investigated in the New Year. I returned to the UK 3 days ago and as is the norm when here I am coughing more, have a wheeze and feel a slight uncomfortable/tight feeling in my chest. I have increased my AirFluSal inhaler to 3 puffs twice a day instead of the usual 2 as advised by the asthma nurse on my yearly review over the phone. I also had a Covid test on Monday which came back negative. I will increase the AirFluSal to 4 puffs twice a day tonight but at what point should I start my rescue steroids? My peak flow hasn't dropped significantly, but I definitely feel odd and think should I start the steroids and catch it quickly or wait and see what happens? I don't fancy having to get help over the Christmas period.
Tightening Chest: Hi, I have an ongoing... - Asthma Community ...
Tightening Chest

I'm surprised. Have you increased the puffs on your own or has the doctor or nurse told you?
I have the same preventer but I'm not allowed to increase the dose.
You can make special stretching and exercises to loosen and remove the phlegm and to strengthen your lungs.
After all these years I still can never decide when to start my emergency steroids. But if you know how your asthma flares upon returning to the UK do you usually end up on steroids after a few days in the country? If not, then the increased meds might just do the trick. However, if this flare feels different or worse than usual then definitely a good option to start the steroids , notifying your asthma nurse after Christmas. The trouble with Christmas is the change in routine and eating/drinking/sleeping routines can trigger a flare and in your case, a change in country too. And of course we don't want to bother doctors etc over the holidays.
I tend to up my meds a little while before I travel, as a precaution. I've had too many instances where just the change in country, routine and stressful travel can trigger a flare.
Hope you feel back to normal to fully enjoy Christmas.
Thank you for your reply. Yes I tend to either have a flare up or pick up an infection returning to the UK in the winter months. I think wearing a mask has helped to prevent contracting any infections this year 🤞 I am now on double combined steroid inhaler twice a day and I took 4 puffs of ventolin twice yesterday afternoon while resting and it seems to have eased things. It is so frustrating when you have erratic asthma and embarrassing coughing all the time.