Hi all, hopefully you can give me advice. I’ve had asthma for years but it’s always been stable using clenil, salmeterol and salbutamol.
Beginning of March it started to play up and over the following 2 months I had 2 courses of antibiotics and 2 courses of steroids which seemed to settle things down but they still weren’t quite right. 3 weeks ago it started kicking off again, asthma nurse gave me fostair 100/6 to use as mart regime and gave me a peak flow. Things seemed to settle down again and was getting good peak flows of 500. Now the past week my chest has been really bad.
I saw a gp in the car park who done all of my obs and said that everything seemed fine but changed me to fostair 200/6 to use that the same as mart but only for a week which I have been doing. Yesterday and today breathing has been the worst I have had so far but my peak flow is staying at 500, I’m so confused.
He said to call them again if things don’t settle down but I really don’t want to take another course of steroids because they make me feel really poorly.
I’m so confused as to why my peak flow is normal and I’m struggling so much?? Asthma nurse said next step would be to refer me to a specialist as I’m maximum they can prescribe me.
Thank you in advance for any replies 😀