Hi all. Sorry to bother you again.
Following a recent flare I was prescribed symbicort and although my asthma nurse didn't advise me to do so I thought it might be a good idea to keep a record of my peak flow over the next few weeks till I see her again next month. They have been a bit all over the place for some time: about 2 weeks' ago, before starting symbicort, my PF was 550 - a record for me! - but in the last 3 days it's gone from 500, down to 400 and this morning it was 530, but it then went down to 460 about 15 minutes after taking my new preventer/reliever, I am on the SMART regime, (that was the first time I checked my PF within a few minutes after taking symbicort so perhaps I just need to continue to keep an eye on things?) My lungs have felt quite "antsy " for a while so I am not entirely surprised by the readings: I would be interested to know if anyone else has had similar problems.
Thanks, Flossie