Apparently they went out last Friday and some with severe asthma are coming off the shielding list. Bit scary, I'm not sure what Ild do if I have to stop shielding at such short notice.
Has Anyone Had Any Texts Saying To St... - Asthma Community ...
Has Anyone Had Any Texts Saying To Stop Shielding?

I haven’t received one but heard a few people on here saying they’d had one...I’m sure some will reply soon!
Likewise I would feel very anxious to be suddenly told not to shield anymore!
That news has stunned me somewhat. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to me because I knew they were reviewing the groups, but somehow it has!
I’m sure there will be some who will welcome it, but I’m not one of them! I like here in my cocoon.
Oh gosh, this is my worst nightmare. The only reason I’m not back in my Reception classroom is because I’m shielding. I catch every cold going every year and it goes straight to my chest 😔
I suppose for those who normally work that would be a bit scary. I self isolated because I thought and still think it's the right thing for me to do. I didn't expect any letter or text telling me to self isolate, and didn't receive any. Today is my 70th day of self isolation.
I had an email from the vets saying it was time for one of my cats annual vaccination and check-up. I am thinking it will have to wait a bit. I've been out by car twice, once for nerve conduction tests on my hands, which confirmed I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both.
Apart from 46years of asthma I have permanent Atrial fibrillation 24/7, lymphoedema in my lower legs and a benign prostatic enlargement, and now carpal tunnel syndrome. I'm 74. I walk much slower than I did when I was 50 and need more rest, but otherwise my ailments don't stop me having a normal life.
I have been doing likewise. And I am in the same age group as you. I consider myself lucky, however, as I am not having to worry about work. That makes a huge difference when it comes to shielding. I think they really need the shielding letter. I don’t, and can manage well without it.
The headlines are all encompassing.
It is sadly affecting those removed by their GP - after the initial list was made.
They should have been told first by their doctor.
Not everyone with Asthma will get a text as the headlines imply.
But surely the best thing to do is speak with their doctor as to why and request being placed back on it.
Good luck everyone and stay safe
I should add with Severe Asthma as listed in the Guardian.
(In the Telegraph it stipulates Brittle Asthma)
The changes were made to individual patients who may longer not be regarded as Severe by their GP
Personally, with so many scams around, I would wait for written confirmation. Yesterday, Asthma UK posted in response to a similar question that they would be looking at these texts to verify whether or not they were genuine. Too many mistakes have been made to believe in and act on a text. But that's my personal opinion. I would be contacting my GP to discuss the risks of not shielding.
I had the opposite I was classed as vulnerable but not extremely vulnerable. Last week I got a letter telling me to shield. My profile lines up with people on asthma UK who should be shielding. It’s frustrating that they didn’t give that advice before. Mind you I was being careful anyway.
No-one seems to know exactly where these have come from although there’s lots of rumours flying around online!
Asthma UK have said they’re looking into it and will update when they have an official response.
But in the meantime the general advice seems to be not to change anything without speaking to your GP/hospital team just in case there’s been a mistake 😊
Ive not had one but would very much like two be removed from full shielding as I think a little Click and Collect and a drive would be great!! Ive had asthma since I was a free months old so for around 60years but am super fit with 96% Peak flow gains target for my height, gender and age., I am noirdiuc walking 7-10km daily with hills but do take 4 meds daily to keep under control. I spoke with my respiratory consultant last week as a regular catch up and she think shielding will be extended Toi end of August. it was confirmed I was correctly categorised as I was worried I was not a sick person - if you have been removed please be happy but still take care
Article confirms it but says according to Department of Health and Social Care that nobody should have received a text as the first piece of communication. Their consultant should have written to them or rung them.
and told the Guardian -
“Some people who have received this message haven’t had those conversations, so clearly this was a blip. Our advice, if you do receive a text, is to continue to shield until you have received direct advice from your own clinician.”
“If you are receiving food deliveries via the National Shielding Service these will be stopped. This will not affect your eligibility for a supermarket priority delivery slot or any slots you already have in place.”
Apologies if this has been covered above (in hospital and exhausted!) but reading the Guardian link, it seems to be those the GPs were supposed to remove who'd been added in error and also those who added themselves to the Government list and who GPs were not authorising. my opinion, nothing should be going out before an overall announcement and everyone involved should have a letter explaining why and giving detail like with the shielding letters. Otherwise it's scary and confusing. The cynic in me wonders if they're using the GPs thing as an excuse though!