WELL ITS THE LAST STAND before some more serious steps I thought so many times i was getting better only to be kicked back down again asthma for only 7 years getting worse all the time changed Pulmonologist at least this guy does tests trying to steer clear of Pred and montalusk so sleep oximetery test showed nothing going in for a sleep for the night in the hospital in April
pt me on pulmacort which i did not take yet going to try one last time the 4 pillars of life sleep mental health diet and exercise after that he wants me to go on injections !!!!!!!!!!
i think i will give it one serious go at these things for 1 month
i dont like the idea of living on injections every week or 2
I started the pulmacort for 3 days started coughing ended up in a and e in an awful state 4 rounds of nebs 4 steroid injections 1 bag od magnesium and a night in a and e , doc said it may have been coming any way pulma cort may have had nothing to do with it