Hi, I have just joined so wanted to introduce myself and also hoping you can help. I got diagnosed when I was 34 by my immunologist. I have been having problems throughout my life but never got diagnosed before. My asthma has generally been related to allergies as I have anaphylaxis and am also allergic to sulphites. I also have an auto-immune condition and vestibular migraine so I find all my symptoms get confused sometimes. On Monday night, after a netball match, I had my first big asthma attack and was scared. I managed to control it just as we were ready to go to A&E. I thought everything was getting better until today. I can't bend down or move without getting breathless, my chest is painful and I am really sleep. I have just seen the asthma nurse and she said to take 8 steroids for 3 days, has upped the strength of my inhaler, and do nothing for 2 days but rest. Not easy when you have 3 children! She said there was inflammation in my chest, and the breath was struggling to get through? She also said not to drive and if it gets worse to ring A&E straight away and if it doesn't get better by Monday, to see the GP. I would like to know:
1) is there anything I can do to speed everything up? I feel rotten and want to get better to look after my kids
2) is there any way of preventing this?
3) is it likely I will have to give up my netball?
4) How often do these type of attacks occur?
Thanks for any help or advise you can give me