Hi everyone,
I've been using Seretide 250 (two puffs twice a day) for 2 months now and I still feel the same (using around 20 puffs of ventolin everyday, nebs 3 times a day). My symptoms are still there almost all the time : tight chest and struggle to breathe. The intensity of the symptoms vary throughout the day but it's always there.
I've had two short courses of prednisolone (40mg for 5 days) and it didn't change anything either. I was hoping it would put an end to this flare up and get rid of the inflammation in my lungs but it didn't work. I know there are certain types of asthma that do not respond to steroids but I thought it was rare. This is all new to me as I never had to deal with severe persistent asthma. Compared to now, I used to live like someone that didn't have asthma and never needed any medication! And all of a sudden because of a viral infection I find myself living the life of a severe asthmatic and no matter what drugs I take my symptoms are still the same. So now I'm wondering why it didn't work ? What can possibly be preventing the steroids (both oral and inhaled) from working ?
Thank you!