As I've posted here before I've been suffering from an asthma exacerbation for 5 months now and I am still struggling to get it back under control. I am currently finishing a second short course of oral steroids and I'm also using seretide 250 (4 puffs everyday). The majority of the doctors I went to see didn't help me : they immediately put it on the count of anxiety because no wheeze and good sats so they say it must be in my head!
As I've mentionned, I'm currently taking seretide but I'm concerned about the potential side effects. I did some research trying to figure out the most effective treatment to bring my asthma back under control but I've found that long acting beta 2 agonists (LABA) could potentially lead to deadly asthma attacks. They apparently reduce the effects of salbutamol (rescue inhaler) so it becomes less effective. I also read that they should only be used if inhaled steroids only didn't work and for those who have bad spirometry results. I happen to have normal spirometry results so shouldn't I be using the inhaled steroids only ?
Thank You!