Has anyone had benefit from taking Kelp to help their asthma? As my asthma had taken a downturn I have spent a fortune on supplements to help! Tried most things ! Then about 2 weeks ago I started on kelp capsules, taking three a day and not the recommended one a day! They seemed to make a big improvement in my symptoms of cough, sinus, and allergies. I have now cut down to two a day as there is so much conflicting info about iodine intake ! However my mother had thyroid problems and in fact died from cancer of the thyroid aged 90 and my aunt also had problems. I’m wondering if the thyroid is the missing link in my asthma problems? I’ve read kelp is meant to benefit asthma for a lot of people!
Kelp to help asthma: Has anyone had... - Asthma Community ...
Kelp to help asthma

If I were you I would ask the doc to check your thyroid, it's a simple blood test thyroid problems can be inherited my dad gave me mine and I genorosly gave the problem to me daughter lol
My husband's lifetime asthma is 99 % better from taking Magnesium Asporotate...3 daily.
I accidentally ended up in the wrong forum, and spotted your post
Hi thanks for this. Do you mean Magnesium Aspartate? Which brand and dose of tablet does he take? Did he research this himself or did someone advise him to take it ? I have taken Magnesium in the past but used Magnesium citrate as it’s not meant to have such a laxative effect. Is there a reason he takes the aspartate form or does he alternate with other forms? Thanks
Hi...I'll get back to you later tonight, but it's MAGNESIUM ASPOROTATE, a combo of 3 magnesium types, sold by Solaray.
Back I found a great book in the mid nineties, Reversing Asthma, by Richard Firshein, DO, who sought to control his own asthma. The book is chock full of info, but some how I honed in on the magnesium bit, the research made sense, and I found Solaray which had all three.
My husband use to have horrible episodes, but now he doesn't even have an inhaler. He ups the magnesium every fall when there are more moldy leaves around.
That’s really interesting! Thanks for sharing! Will be more faithful with my magnesium intake! How many people are suffering needlessly; if the medical profession would only look at nutrition and what our bodies really need instead of throwing harmful drugs at us! I think they create more problems than they solve! Will also continue with the kelp though too as it has so far helped me the most. Can’t get this Solaray in the UK so will need to use others. Thanks again.
I'll send you the list of the 3 magnesiums tonight. I thought Solaray wd be on Amazon.
Oh sorry I’ve just checked and it is on Amazon UK ! Quite expensive at £18.35 but worth a try !
Gosh, it's much cheaper here..you've got to try it at least 6-8 weeks. You'll know by then if it is helping. I'll still get the 3 names off later in case you can do it cheaper that way.
Hi ! The 3 magnesiums and potassium that make up Solaray Magnesium Asporotate are magnesium asparate, magnesium citrate, magnesium orotate, and potassium asparatae, potassium orotate, & citrate. The 3 magnesiums are a total of 400mg. The 3 potassiums are a total of 40 mg.
You can see the label for this product on AMAZON.