Hi I have posted on here about my overuse of Salbutamol and my GP practice asthma nurse wanting to stop it! Big red flag and a lot of stress for me.
Anyway long story short agreed to further investigations and tests. Peak flow best is 250 - 200 I feel ok on this with help of salbutamol in the day. Apparently been like this a couple of years, before that I was between 380-350. I also take seretide 500 twice a day, I did go down to 250 but that increased the salbutamol usage.
It is now being queried, I may have either obstructive asthma where reversal of airways isn’t fully managed or developed asthma - COPD overlap. I have read some of the research on the latter and it is confusing and seems a bit of a mine field. I have never smoked ever and some papers say it is a must risk factor! Other papers say uncontrolled childhood asthma is thought to be a risk, but evidence is not clear. I would fit in that category.
I have been given Genuair, I just cannot get on with it and have stopped taking it after 5 days. It is interfering with my voice and after a few hours of taking it my voice breaks and becomes very very broken and croaking enough to interfere with my work.
Does anybody have experience of either a diagnosis of either the above or used Genuair and had problems? I 100% have asthma it is not a misdiagnosis I’ve had it since I was four, although only diagnosed officially at 12/13 years old. I am now 57 but over the last few years the symptoms have become more persistent, restrictive in movement and exercise, rather than acute and hospital admission. The last hospital admission I had was about four years ago.
Is Obstructive asthma progressive disease like COPD or does it behave differently? Research suggests Asthma-COPD can progress more rapidly 🙁