Hi, I´m new to this forum and also new to asthma - actually new to knowing/realising that I have asthma - and I´m still not convinced that´s what it is.
I seem to be learning more on this forum than I do from the doctors though. A private doctor that I started off with said I have asthma and I have to use an inhaler to keep open my airways, twice a day for the next ......... He is going to do one of those tests next month where you breathe into a machine.
My social security doctor says I dont have any problems with my breathing, he listened to my chest and said it was clear and to only use the inhaler for another month and then stop.
My symptoms at the moment, are that I feel as if I have to keep clearing my throat (although it doesnt actually help at all to do that) and I feel as if I´m struggling slightly for breath, my chest feels a little heavy. I have also just been through a horrendously traumatic bad relationship which has stressed me out no end and have been taking some sort of tranquilisers, although just one a day at bedtime as I´m extremely sensitive to any medications. I have also been having Reiki twice a week which has definitely helped.
So I guess the question is - do I have asthma or not as I´m not convinced that I do? Maybe it is just stress? I realise that I dont want it to be asthma and so I´m hoping to clarify its not but I guess if it is I will just have to face it.
I did have bronchitis once about 10 years ago and that was horrendous but soon went away and when I was a small child I had very bad croup and can remember having a coal tar lamp beside my bed - those were the days!
I would be grateful for your thoughts and your help and advice.
Many thanks