So I work in healthcare, and am returning to work tomorrow after 3 weeks off dealing with an admission and a chest infection.
Last year, after surgery to stick my lung to my chest wall after numerous lung collapses, I met with the Occupational Health dept and they labelled me as disabled. Now, I was 30 at the time and it hit me hard. I know that this doesn’t mean that I am legally disabled in the eyes of the law, but does offer some protection at work in the sense that my employers cannot dismiss me purely because of my “disability”, but can dismiss me in the sense that I can no longer fulfil my contract.
Like most of the working population, I worked hard to get where I am, and although I am not at the stage of being unable to fulfil my contracted role, I feel that with every setback and admission, I get closer and closer to that point.
I have had a lot of sick leave over the space of 2018 (the first six months was spent in and out of hospital, including ICU, dealing with sepsis from a wound in my arm, and complicated by the steroids I take for my brittle asthma). I understand the position my manager is in, and know that it must play on her mind that one minute I’m fine and the next I need a month off to deal with illness - and how it would be so much easier for her with a healthy member of staff. Essentially, I feel like I am stuck in limbo and playing a massive waiting game, and I don’t know how I will be able to cope should they turn around and tell me that they don’t feel I should be working anymore.
I’m frightened. I have two University degrees and work in an operating theatre. Yes it’s a stressful job at times, but I enjoy what I do, and have worked far too hard to just let it be ripped away at the age of 31.
I suppose my question is this: has anyone else encountered this situation and how did you cope? I have seen that getting any sort of disability allowance (although I don’t think it’s called that anymore) is very difficult to get when it comes to asthma and I would imagine that employers with super-flexibility in terms of illness are hard to come by!
Apologies for the long post, it’s been playing on my mind for a while, and I know I am facing a disciplinary meeting tomorrow as I have had over the “allowed” number of sick days this period.